State School Techniques

In 2011, from the month of May, thousands of Chilean students had left to the streets its country having demanded a gratuitous, accessible education and of better quality, in an intense mobilization that lasted more than six months little, registering themselves, equally, a massive movement of English students in November for similar guidelines, without having, however, correspondence of action in Brazil, despite between us if it keeps a picture of at every level pressing situations related of education, underlined for the permanence of structural problems and also related to the wage scope of professors and servers. Not obstante, in the interior of the ETEC Hortolndia, one considers in general level the effort of construction of an education that propitiates the search of a global and holistic understanding of the reality, without losing of sight that, in special in technician-professionalizing, objective education to know constructing them, abilities and abilities that become the egresses apt to the work market. in this point, rescuing frequent debates on the subject verified between the professors and, of certain form assayed in annual seeming of the Advice of School of 2009 engraved with fulcrum in the article 11 of the Common Regiment of the Schools State Techniques of the CEETEPS, in the ETEC Hortolndia has in consideration to the current partner-economic reality of the region with its educational profile its proper Projeto Politician-Pedagogical (PPP), that, in search of the manifestation and reaffirmation of the identity of the proper Pertaining to school Unit and of its objective, it discloses if in intention of contemplation of the necessary interdisciplinaridade for an efficient and dynamic learning, visa the environment of intense conurbao and existing cultural diversity in the region metropolitan of Campinas where if it points out the city of Hortolndia, despite if it is cliente of the problems consequentemente inherent to this context..

Make Battle

As PANATSENII said no, as there is no universal remedy. Lose weight safely only on individual technique. The main thing – to follow the rule logical transition from one method to another. Offensive strategy: Starting offensive must, of course, with a plan. Well thought out, what days you dedicate studies at the sanatorium and a plan to keep in shape at home. Remember instant weight loss can only be a surgeon, but we are opposed to such methods. So let's lose weight together! Allies: Use as an ally of the popular model gas 11 Make it a rule every evening (preferably before bedtime and after dinner) a small 20-minute walk. It is pleasant, helpful and not difficult – difficult to make yourself go …

to outwit yourself – plan for the evening "hike for bread," "Get a dog" or "change the parking lot" 😉 But you never know … Getting Started: drive in a refrigerator useful products Pay attention to diet 7×7 it is cut and hung on the refrigerator. Following her will be able to eat delicious, simple, useful and diverse. Simply combine! C Getting Started: drive in a refrigerator useful products Pay attention to diet 7×7 it is cut and hung on the refrigerator. Following her will be able to eat delicious, simple, useful and diverse. Simply combine! The battle: How much time to every battle hasten to please. If in a battle with your weight involved, our doctors, then! They fight, and you relax! On average, the resort you will spend 1 to 1.5 hours and about 3 times a week. Terms of combat: Important moment – it's comfortable fighting in this battle you will not have to dig trenches and crawling on their bellies! Tactics to combat excess weight in a sanatorium assume complete relaxation, recreation, pleasure and bliss 😉 already like? If the active Fitness is not for you – you with us! The War Years: Many lose weight for years and have despaired, but in vain We can safely say that for loss of 1-2x the size of our resorts have 20 – 30 sessions! And if you take into account that, at the same time losing weight you get rid of cellulitis, edema legs, excess fluid, tighten skin, strengthen the muscles that grow young and have a rest? And all the secrets of this complex struggle! Well, you're ready to heavy losses? Then all of us 788 83 81

Caucasus Mountains

Local History Museum located in Anapa indoor spa gymnasium teachers , which was built in 1909, the museum will tell you about the nature and the inhabitants of the land and sea in the vicinity of Anapa, Anapa to know the history from 17 to 20 cc. The museum is set exhibitions. In particular, a large popular exhibition of viticulture and winemaking Anapa. The city remained, in my view, an unusual monument. This – "Russian Gates" – a monument of Ottoman military architecture of 18 century.

Above the gate you see a mounted plate with the inscription "Russian Gates 1854. On the supporting wall of another plate, "the gates of Turkish remnants of the fortress built in 1783, named in honor of the Russian 25-th anniversary of liberation from Anapa Turkish rule in 1828. For three centuries napskoy land does not seem to Turkey or a strategic or economic interest. The situation changed in the 80 years the 18 th century, when the struggle between Turkey and Russia, to the last depart Crimea and Kuban Right Bank. And in Turkey it is necessary to gain a foothold on the coast near the Caucasus Mountains. With this purpose, as directed by the Sultan Abdul Hamid, and it was decided to build a fortress on napskoy earth. In 1783, The fortress was built. Strengthen it consisted of 7 bastions, connected by a curtain, and three gates. The fortress itself to this day has not been preserved, so we can only imagine how she looked.

Tree Research

That is, you start thinking about thinking globally: attack from the air or by sea, rather than thinking: "What fly bomber T2 or T3?". It's a relief, to throw off those endless tech 1, tech 2, etc. The economic system has deteriorated … But no one eye it just changed. Previously we could begin to rivet the troops, not knowing restraint. The economy has become truly the scourge of new players. And if anything was shown in a single game, they have had no chance against zadrotov "in the multiplayer component. We apologize that call people who play well in the first Supriya "zadrotami, but it really is.

Who else should be to thoroughly explore further the economic system, and be good at it managed? So, away from the topic … The economic system of Supreme Commander 2 is a hundred times better than the first part, since you already know in ten minutes how to handle it. Of course, to fully understand you have to spend more than an hour, but still fast enough you will learn this game. Chapter 3.Podrobnosti In this chapter we will look at everything that happened at the perfect Supreme Commander 2 and not. Let's start with innovation. Tree Research We mentioned the this above, but decided that it is necessary to describe in detail. Tree Research was at Gas Powered Games to fame and is the only strategy in which there is a broader field of research, and most importantly comfortable sdelano.Pervoe impression when you turn on Supreme Commander 2 and a 'Tree Study "and wants to stick, all to explore and see what happens.

Released Strong

1). These candles are produced mainly when the market is confident in its future movement. As example, observe the formation time of candles, you'll see that most of them in the first 5 – 15 minutes, forming a shadow in one direction, then the price goes in the opposite direction, forming a candle body. 2) The second type of price in the process of forming a candle several times may cross the point of its opening (Fig. 2) and, as a result choose for your main movement direction of the 'first' shadow. These candles are formed, as a rule, amid uncertainty about the market, which way it go further.

3) The third type may include candles, which do not have the 'first' shadow (Fig. 3). These candles arise when strong market move aimed at one side of the emotions (eg, against Released Strong economic data and political news). As a condition for opening positions for our strategy, we take the algorithm for forming plugs of type 1. That is, we open a position in the reverse direction penetration point of the opening of a candle after the first price goes to one side and form a 'first' shadow (Fig.

1). However, setting such a condition, we must understand that the candles formed a 2-second type, in this case will give us false alarms. Therefore, the next step in the creation of our strategy, we must conduct research and gather statistics that would show us the frequency of spark 1 and type-2 (Spark third type of drop out our further attention, since it does not form a 'first' shadow, they do not fulfill the necessary condition for us to open a position.).

RUP Software

Unified process and Unified Process Rational (UP and RUP) Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) University Polar region of River of the Oysters (PURE) Computer science Welton Luiz of Oliveira Barbosa Carlos David Pasco Institute of Science and Technology Unified Process 1-Introduction Process: Act to proceed, to go for ahead; Succession of states or changes; Way why a thing is become fullfilled or executed; method, technique. Aurlio Dictionary For this definition, we can identify the reason of the Unified Process to be called process. The unified Process appeared as new a proposal of development, running away from the model in cascade, following basically the same generic stages of software development, however aiming at an iterative and incremental development, total different of the model in cascade. The best RUP is born of the capture of practical of software development, aiming at to give to satisfactory reply to the diverse inherent problems the activity. As Grady Booch these are some causes of problems in elapsing of a software project: Special management of requirements ambiguous and inexact Communication fragile Architectures overwhelmd Complexity Inconsistencies not detected in requirements, constructions and implementations insufficient Test subjective Evaluation of best statuses of the project the practical ones are boardings tried commercially and with proven success. Used in combination, they attack the origins of problems in the software development. They are: to 1.Desenvolver software iteratively. to 2.Gerenciar requisite.

to 3.Usar architectures based on component. to 4.Modelar software visually. to 5.Verificar the quality of software continuously. to 6.Controlar changes of software. This process, for having been ' ' criado' ' for the same names of the UML, it makes an ample use of this, during its stages of software development. It is an agile process, with this, not only aims at to the constant release of versions of software for the user, having as objective the documentation, but also construction of software devices, then after the recognition of the main requirements.

Foreign Language

Language skills "I have no aptitude for language." Those who are sure of this, should ask themselves: "I speak the native language and freely understand it?", "I read and write in their native language, and can, in a letter I do not Pushkin, but the letters in words pile up pretty easily? "" I'm deaf and dumb, or say how Ellochka: from "The Twelve Chairs"? "If the answer is yes, no, congratulations. Do you have language skills, not cloudy any obstacles. The ability of language – fundamental human ability, man – it's monkey-talker. A man loves the language as a mother. A different language is just a synonym for home. Can reasonably argue, "What about all these polyglots, or just my one friend came to America, knowing only the Hi yes Good-bye, and two weeks later to speak as an American, and another friend, and taught him to walk courses and suffering in the United States because of problems with the language? "The answer is simple as a rake. First instinctively uses the correct strategy, and another such intuition has not appeared, and the man who would be suggested and picked the right strategy, too, was not there.

The once-common hypothesis is that there are 'non-linguistic' people, unable to any way to learn a foreign language is not supported by any expert today. Anyone can be taught to speak a foreign language, it is only important to choose the correct individual method of teaching. Why do we think that we are not capable of language? And where a person is taken belief that he is not capable of language? It's a convenient excuse their own laziness? Or facilities acquired in school? It is a mixture of both.

Dog Training

The next lesson you must learn the dog is "Stay" or learn to stand still. This is often a bit difficult, but with patience you can achieve. Tell your dog "Stay" repeatedly from a distance of at least 10 meters. It is important to maintain eye contact with the dog. If the dog gets up he should be decirr "no" and start again. Once you have made progress with this exercise, then starts to walk behind his back. The dogs usually get up at this time.

Tell your dog "no" and start the exercise again on several occasions to teach your dog to stay still when you walk walking away from him. Once your dog has mastered this part, you can teach the command "Come", you say the word Come here or here or just look. You have to use a tone of voice to communicate to the dog alegria.Es here then give him his deserved reward. Always use praise and rewards instead of punishment for raising a puppy. Dogs respond best to positive training rather than a negative. With this in mind, and you can go teach your dog the 3 basic commands.

Follow these tips and you'll soon an obedient dog with his faithful company will enjoy for many years. But of course that's not all, you will need deeper instructions and tips that let you know the normal Canine Behavioral Psychology or to learn how to educate a puppy easily and step by step yourself, from the comfort of your home. If you have a willing to change the bad habits of your puppy thou Pudes do, only need to know how hacerlo.No have to be an expert in the field or a professional trainer or anything like that. With appropriate instructions that your dog will get whatever it has to be, a pet loving, obedient, happy and loyal companion. All the information you need is just a click away, do not waste time, start right now to prepare yourself with knowledge and appropriate strategies for how to educate a dog step by step and very easy. Jose Ark Veterinarian Parana Entre Rios Argentina.

When The Teacher Becomes The Student

A relationship expert once said that during an argument, there are usually three sides to every story: his side, his hand, and, of course, really. This is something we definitely have to keep in mind as teachers. As educators (especially professors), we have been accused of having the biggest ego this side of Mount Rushmore. One of the fastest ways to burn in education is to refuse to accept the change. If we admit it or not, life moves and changes constantly. Students are constantly exposed to material that never ever dreamed existed. Ironically, although students are exposed to more, they usually know less and are less mature than previous generations. However, that does not discredit the fact that students still bring a unique perspective to our classroom, is through his eyes that we can become better teachers.

One of my best strategies for maintaining a high level of motivation in the classroom was the result of a technique I learned as a stockbroker and sales trainer. Rule # 1 in sales is that in order for the customer where it is (their level of understanding), must first go to where they are (are present level of understanding). In simple terms, you must know your customer (in this case, students). This simple principle and rejuvenates recharge the batteries every six months, because the more you know, the more I grow. Relating this concept to the field of education should be simple and clearly define their goals and what you would like to see happen in the course of a semester (or even a brief interaction) with a student, and then help their students do the same.

Economical Printer Cartridges

As soon as Russia started to grow interest in computers, the popularity gained from the configuration printer and scanner. Most often, computers are sold in a set with these devices and at a lower price than the cost of all individual components. Inkjet printer that uses a printing ink and ensuring good print quality, well suited for home use. In the twenty-first century, computer firms have moved production to integrated systems in which the modern inkjet printer was combined with a scanner or copier and guarantee a satisfactory print quality. Such multi-function devices a few years ago were very expensive and their quality was not always on top, but thanks to new technologies could create an apparatus of very good quality.

If you need to print multi-page documents in the home, it is best to choose a printer that uses a scalable printing technology (SPT), without changing the cartridge enables to print approximately 200 pages longer than usual. Technology SPT was present breakthrough in printing technology. HP has developed a structure in which the printer head is used optimally, since the supply of ink in the cartridge is carried out under pressure. This allows you to type faster and cheaper due to the fact that the reduced frequency of replacement cartridges. The head of the cartridge consists of a pump, tank and exhaust valves, balancing. All elements of the head has to be done separately, which lengthens manufacturing process, but the functionality of these printers is much higher.

Initially, SPT technology uses such as photo printers, but as the improvement of the production process was possible to use it in monochrome inkjet printers. SPT technology avoids the situation where at the time of printing on ink since before the printing head is fed as much ink as need to print this document. In large companies and government agencies are most commonly used laser printers. When office work required device adapted to print in large volumes, Inkjet printers so in such cases do not fit. In laser printers are used completely different technology, so they are fundamentally different from inkjet printers. Thanks to laser printers Such printers are far superior to inkjet printing speed. Therefore, choosing a printer, you should determine what exactly it will be used. Today even small companies find it useful to buy laser printer with fast print speeds. A laser printer can also be useful to those who need to print in high volumes at home.