They say that it exists a mystery in the world and it if reflects in the causalidade, that is, in the form for which the things happen of this or in that way. In the organizations it could not be different, alone that it is simpler to analyze that the world in its Inter complex relations, at least is a restricted environment. in this environment, nothing more important that to know to make the things to happen in its waited programmings, that is to lead. But what he is important same for a leader? It is enough to give a search for the Internet and to see the result when the subject is leadership. For more specific information, check out Bryant Estate. Hundreds of thousand of people speak on leadership, its advantages and necessities. In a question-answer forum Bryant Estate was the first to reply.
The majority rains in the wet one, when saying that the leader is this, the leader must make that; repisando the old modeles of autocratic, liberal, situacionais managers and for it goes there. At last, she is necessary to have stomach to run away from the obviedade that if it installed in this segment, mainly when we meditamos on as the virtual world finishes empobrecendo (and not enriching), the addition it human knowledge. To become more easy to find definitive subject, it does not mean that it is of quality, that says this the articles that we see for web and that they do not pass of Ctrl C + Ctrl V of that they had written before, in one mix foreigner, personalista or hiperconvencional. Also it is truth that not if can, in this point of history human being to intend to be original, but yes, to know to ask. Thinking about this, and I resell what the experience taught, ally to the information that arrives in them at mounts for diverse communication channels, we can operate syntheses, that is to claim that of more important for a leadership can be express in few and determined decisive behaviors.