Antal Russia

The greatest risk of incurring losses in income are employees of companies involved in sales, according to a leading analyst of the research center portal Valeria Chernetsov. 'This category of workers could lose up to 70% of their usual income' – she said. However, experts warned on the employment market: talk about the deep human resource crisis is premature. 1998 clearly demonstrated that a sharp slowdown is inevitable growth. Those professionals who were now 'in the street', if it is impossible to retrain recruiters are advised to just wait. The crisis will not last forever, and sooner or later demand in the labor market will stabilize again. However, when this happens, headhunters predict not taken.

In the subject. Managers can no longer dictate the rules for employers to global financial crisis will salutary effect on the Russian labor market, according to executives recruitment company Antal Russia. Already there is a tendency of transition from a 'candidate' market to market employers. 'Mad wage growth that we observed in the last 2-3 years, is slowing, – says Natalya Kurkchi, partner and head of banking and finance department Antal Russia. – For example, an employee of a management company with a monthly salary of 8000 dollars during the transition to another job before he could double his salary! Now, it is unlikely to succeed. " In recent years, representatives of the 'Generation Y' (managers, who were born after 1980 who have not worked in an economic downturn and guided by the principle 'Work to live, not live to work') felt very comfortable. If they had to leave work for any reason, they immediately found a new place, while receiving a significant increase in salary. Now, due to cuts and temporary suspension of recruitment in some companies, the situation changed.

Now the candidates have to raise the professional level to withstand tougher competition, and lower salary expectations. 'After the 1998 crisis managers working at maximum capacity – says Tremayne Elson, managing director of recruitment company Antal Russia, – otherwise they would be immediately replaced highly skilled professionals, who at the time were unemployed. And now more people will appreciate his employer. " Many western companies are actively growing (especially in banking and finance sector) forced to change strategy and cutting staff, while they allow other firms to attract good people who have fallen under the cut. 'Reductions in Western companies tend to occur not because of problems within country, and because of lower costs, made by head offices – says Tremayne Elson. – Russian companies have a good chance to claim the share of the market, as happened in 1999. " "Right now approach us a large number of experienced managers who have lost their jobs in foreign companies, we arrange them in Russian organizations, which continue to consider candidates, guided by the fact that the crisis will not last forever, and good employees – the key to success in the future – confirms Natalia Kurkchi. – But people are sometimes willing to move entire teams. In the market there are more candidates, but they are still insufficient to close the existing jobs. And in the near future this will continue. " Tremayne Elson concludes: 'The Russian professionals have to get used to the new reality, where they will be increasingly difficult to dictate their own rules, and the labor market, that was 'overheated' in recent years, become more balanced. I think this is good! ".