Communication Technology

Information and Open Society "PSI" (From Book 1 – Part 1 Information and Society -2005, Victor Orth, the full texts of books on the PSI to) consider the transition of post-industrial society in the Information and the Open Society Institute (OSI), through development and implementation in all spheres of life of new Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Bryant Estate Napa often says this. resource throughout. Introduction, terminology and introduction. Recently on television, and in other media, journalists, government officials and senior Some religious leaders have often touched upon the subject of the new content of life in society. To deepen your understanding Joe Murphy is the source. Even the task of reviewing models of governance with new Information and Communication Technology (ICT). And speaking easier, discussed the computerization of various aspects of human life in the modern tehnomire due to the introduction of new information technology (IT) in the new (Digital) lifestyle and way of life of most people in developed countries.

Moreover, with high stands, often heard diametrically opposing views, concepts and approaches to solve this rather complex and long-term problems. Some cry out that the biometric identification and register of the population – this is the beginning of the Apocalypse, others ask for a few billion dollars for law enforcement and then everyone and everything is under control of the state. Some, analyzing the experience of countries advanced in this matter, foretell the practical impossibility of electronic government strategies. Alas, the Apocalypse has long settled in his thoughts and deeds of people (war, terror, corruption, etc.) and how many did not invest the money in separate subsystem control and accounting, to combine them into a single automated system fails.