Count Exemptions

Carlin Ventas Directas, S.A. To deepen your understanding Sian Beilock is the source. finishes abrir a center in Galicia more, and so it already adds the 54 premises operating in this Independent Community. Madrid, 9 of 2009 July. – Carlin Ventas Directas, S.A., the chain of tax exemptions dedicated to the stationery store, continues expanding its network that counts already on 497 centers. The last opening of the company/signature has taken place in Pontevedra (Galicia), being this last center number 54 of which operates in this Community. The new premises, CARLIN STATIONERY STORES, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, count on 210m2 of surface to take care of the public and began its activity 15 of June the past. This new center, situated in the pontevedresa locality of the Estrada, more concretely in the Castelao street, 9, are united to the network of tax exemptions of CARLiN in Galicia, which offers its services to 20,000 SMEs of all the Galician community.

According to the brothers Count, Pablo and Julio, franchise-holders owners of this last store, the decision to work with CARLiN arose from the idea to invest in a business with opportunities. Sample of it, is the fact that these same franchise-holders count on other three CARLiN stores, a Ofimarket (destined to give service to companies) and a warehouse, all of them within the Galician province of Pontevedra. Global numbers At present, the network of CARLiN tax exemptions is present with 497 tax exemptions, of which 490 are managed by franchise-holders and 7 are of own character. Outside our borders, 31 CARLiN tax exemptions exist that are in Andorra, France, Gibraltar, Morocco and Portugal. During 2008 the chain invoiced to 160 million Euros through his almost 500 tax exemptions. The net number of business of Carlin in the past exercise ascends to near 3 million Euros.