Diaz Bordenave

Other legislaes also regulate the EAD: Decree n. 2,404, of 10 of February of 1998 regulates article 80 of the LDB in the distance, in 13 articles, defining on education; conferring norms for certification, school registration, transference and exploitation of credits; forms of evaluation and credenciamento of institutions carry through that them; others. Decree n. 2,561, of 27 of April of 1998 modifies the cited decree previously, in article 11, including the credenciamento for institutions of professional education in technological level e, article 12 extending offers in the distance of courses directed to the professional education of level technician. It would carry n. 301, of 7 of April of 1998, in 12 articles, normatiza the procedures of credenciamento of institutions that want in the distance to offer courses of graduation and technological professional education with the modality.

The EAD allows to greater accessibility, convenience, personalized rhythm, economy of time and cost. Diaz Bordenave (1988), in its study that questions if the long-distance education can help to decide the educational problems of Brazil, presents advantages, disadvantages, perspectives and challenges of this modality of education. How much to the advantages, the author enumerates that the long-distance education can reach a great number of people and groups, exactly that the physical distances and social between the individuals they are enormous; he facilitates to the learning of the people, allowing the use of the available time, without the necessity of if moving of the home or the workstation; adapta it the proper rhythm of learning of each individual, being able to be carried through in groups or individually; it reduces the cost of qualification for student, beyond saving with the personal expenditures (transport, lodging, feeding, etc.) of the pupil; it requires few instruments to elaborate the didactic contents and materials, allowing, thus, the act of contract of the best ones specialists in each area of the knowledge; he serves, for the versatility of the methodology, as much to the formal education how much to the informal one; he uses a infinity of technological resources; he develops the capacity of the autodidatismo, that is, to learn for itself, without the presence of a professor.