Dos Santos

It presented some difficulties related to the lack of limits and difficulties in the attention and concentration. It clearly presented the necessity of accompaniment for development of its autonomy, general motor coordination and social and pertaining to school inclusion. Stage II: Description of the citizen the customer. the P. of the S. Hisses was born in 02 of December of 1997, is of the masculine sex and has fixed residence in this city in the Street of the Barriers, without number. Its responsible one is P.L.

Dos Santos born in 25 of September of 1975, single civil state having a degree of kindred of resident and domiciliated mother in the same address of the same. According to genitora the gestation was second, however, not programmed, but she was accepted, where the mother participated of all the examinations of prenatal, denying the tobaccoism, alcoholism, illnesses in the family and contact with viroses or illnesses during the gestation. The childbirth was Cesrio, the term, without intercorrncias, presented light jaundice together leaving high with the mother. The child was diagnosised as syndrome of Down, in the proper maternity. The mother deferred payment today with the son and searched the school specialized to give a support in the education of its son since the cited institution is qualified not alone in the area of education as well as in the health area. With one eight months of age the customer.

the P. of the S. Hisses participated of precocious stimulation, to the four years entered the school specialized in the group of infantile education. He is in alfabetizao process, was for the regular school where he receives the accompaniment from professionals of the school specialized through accompaniments three days in the week. The principle was requested the familiar composition and the genitora informed that it lives separate of the father has ten months more or less, also informs that the former-friend abandoned the family to live with another woman. According to interviewed the father already it was responsible for the expenditure of the customer and it visited also it always. The residence of the customer is proper with a small infra structure, situated well next to the relatives maternal to the same that also they were felt responsible for the child helped and them financially. The level economic partner of the genitora is low survived to the costs of the aid of the grandmother materna of the customer. The financial assistance that the genitor to provide the family was not enough. With passing of the time the necessities if aggravated. Stage III: Entrevistacom the mother In one of the meeting