Education Informal

The individual in general, ' ' atrs&#039 runs; ' of its impulses, its wills. During quento time educative campaigns on the use of &#039 had been made; ' belt of segurana' ' in automobiles? how much to the tobacco and its consequncias? The attempts had not functioned to benefit the users with this Orientaes. In the measure where if they institute behavior norms, if these will not be fulfilled, the laws and consequentes punishment, are set in motion. From this, the behavior starts if to modify for coercion, and not, for instruction and/or esclarescimento. What it happens that the discernment between the fondness and the power to act so is weakened? How we could fortify superego (censorship), thus id (impulse), did not exceed it and the ego (internal and external conscience of the reality), more mediated these situations of adjusted form to the social conviviality? Relating to us now the Education Informal. Front the position of the parents at this moment, the direction not to place ' ' limites' ' , to give parameters, to discipline at last, as we would have to act with these parents, while educators? It disciplines and ' ' limites' ' they demand an performance more ' ' trabalhosa' ' , that it demands more time of conviviality and quality in the same. Quality does not only imply in ludicidade, therefore these, also involve rules. By the way, all the lived situations involve. He will be one of the problems there? As we could ' ' caminhar' ' I content it?