In this process, the professor is the consultant, articulador, mediator and person who orientates of the development of the pupil. The creation of a reliable climate, respect to the differences and reciprocity encourages the pupil to recognize its conflicts to discover the potentiality to learn from the proper errors. In the same way, the professor will not have inhibitions in recognizing its limitations and searching its purification, in an attitude of partnership and humildade ahead of the knowledge that characterizes the position to interdisciplinar (Farm, 1994). Many are the possibilities of use of the TIC of innovative and creative form, as much on the part of the pupil, how much of the professor. It has a gamma of resources that can assist the process of education and learning, as for example: World Wide Web: The WWW is considered a virtual library and an excellent resource for the classroom; Wiki: it is a tool of colaborativa writing that stimulates the social interaction, allotment of information and construction and socialization of the knowledge. Lists of quarrel and fruns: they serve for debate and quarrel of subjects or common subjects, sharing the interests; Webquest: investigativa activity using the Internet that guarantees to the learning the access to the authentic and brought up to date information of form colaborativa and to the educator chance to modernize the ways to make the education; Blog: It serves for register of individual research or register of the knowledge of a group, as well as of space for quarrel and reflection of pupils assisting them in the construction of the knowledge of independent and colaborativa form; Email: used for the sending of messages, exchange of information and experiences between professors, pupils and both. Hot Potatoes: formed for five tools that make possible exercises as: to complete crossed gaps, activities for short answers, words, to command phrases, association between columns. He is gratuitous for educative ends; Videoconferncia: it allows integration of geographically distant people, through the audiovisual resource.
Very it is used in the study in the distance; Chat: it allows to the exchange of information and specific debates for the Internet, in real time through the rooms of beats papo. HQ: History in quadrinhos is plus a resource that can be constructed using the technology, serving of attractive for the development of the activities proposals. Beyond the cited resources above the educator still can consider the production of videos and periodicals, conceptual creation of educative radios, maps, use games of simulation, etc. Therefore, if the school will be able to reinventar and to become a learning environment where the task to argue, to analyze, to evaluate and to apply is not paper only of the professor, but of a group, where each one if alternating in the paper of professor and pupil, will be apt to satisfy most of the necessities of learning of the people. More than what to educate for the technology, our task today must be to educate with the technology.