
Through simplified umdiagrama the visualization is possible> of the principaisestgios of the cycle of life of a product. The first period of training, extration of natural resources, realizado for suppliers, that take care of of the extration and the production dasmatrias-cousins and/or components. As the deprodutos period of training is the transformation under the control of the industries. The third period of training, preservation eexpedio, are generally under the control of the manufacturer, even so maissofisticados products can need a mesh of suppliers and contractors. The room period of training, of the use for the consumer, is influenciadopelo project of the product and for the degree of continuous interaction of the manufacturer.In the fifth period of training, an obsolete or defective product already discarded is ourevisado.

As and the third periods of training are seen as those where it has amaior ambient responsibility of the industry, but inside efora the increasing vision of the corporations is of that an ambiently responsible product minimizaseus ambient impacts in all its five periods of training. A dedados inventory is also elaborated that consists of the collection and procedures of calculations (ISO 14041:1998). Demassa consists in a rocking and energy, where the total that enters in the system in study must be equal aoque leaves. Through the application of the ACV in the manufacture of its products, the company will be able to conclude which the products contributes of negative form, paraa rise of standards of emissions of pollutants in half the liquid, gaseous eslido. She will be able to also verify, for example, which or which the products, contribuemde significant form for not the attendance the standards of poluentesestabelecidos by the legislation, as well as those demanded standards pelosclientes. So that the Evaluation of the Cycle of Life produces resultadosconfiveis, you talked back e, above all, comparable, is necessary that osimpactos ambient associates to the mentioned interactions are avaliadosatravs of methodologies and systematic and standardized procedures. .