Games based on films already are not newness for nobody, but ' ' Evil Dead: Regeneration' ' it is a short while different case. While the majority enters in the wave of the films of the type ' ' arrasa-quarteiro' ' , as ' ' Man-Spider 2' ' , or, more recently, the eyes come back toward lendrios classics – they are being produced games based on ' ' Scarface' ' ' ' The Powerful Chefo' ' -, the game in question was to search inspiration in one of most representative films B of the American cinema. Directed and produced for Sam Raimi, the same that it would come to direct the surmounting of ' ' Man; ' in the cinemas, ' ' The Death of the Demnio' ' he brought a marcante protagonist and the actor who never lived the personage obtained to dissociar itself of it. In ' ' Evil Dead: Regeneration' ' , the actor Bruce Campbell again of the life the Ash, expensive one that, definitively, he does not have fear of ugly face. Killing the dead-vivosEnredo in films of I buzzed is as excuse so that they appear the horripilantes creatures. In ' ' Regenaration' ' , Ash is sent to a hospice for criminals and the responsible doctor for the place, Dr. Vingo, is leading strange experiments using the Necronomicon, the book of deceased popularized by writer H.P.
Lovecraft.Antes of being sent for the hospice, Ash is in the hut where the malignant book was found for the first time. there, it and the player learn as the combat system functions the game, very similar to some games of action with combat, as ' ' Devil May Cry' ' , a classic of PlayStation 2. He wants to say, the protagonist can attack with blows body-the-body or firearms. Here what it matters is the action, and the user does not need to be worried about the ammunition or recharge, therefore the supply of bullets is infinite.