In such a way, the education on-line was materialized in an alternative capable to join internal qualification with lesser economic loss, that could happen in the case of absence or reduction of the productivity of its employees in result to an extra devotion to the studies in one actual model of learning. However, if it cannot forget the character restricted, and of certain point, hierarchic contracted in this sphere. The conveniadas companies do not offer the courses to all openly its employees and yes, the important specific groups for its commercial or administrative strategies. Being thus, the accessibility to the modality finishes being controlled following the interests of the corporation, being able in some cases, to offer distinct courses with especificidade to each productive sector. Currently, some companies still appeal to the SENAC It to ME to promote qualification through the model on-line to its employees, but already other institutions of private education exist superior that disponibilizam identical partnerships or develop them of independent form. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Moodys .
It is standed out, that aspects economic they dictate the formative preferences of definitive courses. In this direction, those directed toward area of the management are presented privileged, however, the weak local economy, result of anmica enterprise presence, limit the modality to each year to a reduced contingent of corporations. In relation to the public initiatives, Federal University of the Maranho (UFMA), State University of the Maranho (UEMA) and the Federal Institute are observed it Education, Science and Technology of the Maranho (IFMA), that through its Nuclei of Education long-distance (NEAD) and stimulated by the project Open University of Brazil (UAB) created in 2005, it comes offering long-distance courses of graduation and after-graduation through the Internet. In this scope, the proposals presented for the public institutions in the Maranho for education on-line follow lines of direction of the UAB, arquitetadas for the Ministry of Educao (MEC), state-owned companies and the association of the controllers of the federal institutions of education.