Garci School

Observing the direction of it speaks presented to follow, the daily knowledge and the pertaining to school is made use, in the social relations, polarized values. Let us see: Pupil brings its day-by-day so that with this we will bind to the content or to show to them that exactly that at this moment to seem that its life nothing has to see with what it sees in the school, the society uses everything this in day-by-day and charges of all we minimum it of a knowledge will relate with our world and other places. On the relations between daily knowing and escolarizado knowing, visualized in the perspective of speaks previously presented, Garci’a (1998, p.84) points: ' ' In the article of Reif and Larkin …, therefore, when comparing the scientific knowledge with the daily one, defines this last one as? common knowledge on the natural phenomena acquired by the majority of the people in the daily life and the first stages of escolarizao, before arriving at a more systematic study of science. In this definition we find the idea implicit of that the daily knowledge is one to know previous to the instruction, that has felt in those stages of the life where not yet if can have access to the scientific knowledge, idea syntonized with the belief of that the proper wisdom of? common direction? she is primitive and little rational, in contraposition to a rational scientific knowledge and more elaborado' '. We can infer that the present educational speech you say in them here pointed reflects the valuation of the pertaining to school knowledge on the daily knowledge, disclosing the proper condition of marginalizao knowing of them popular in relation to the dominant culture. Far from being a neutrality space where the social differences are extinguished, the school nothing more is that place of reproduction of the inaqualities social, for the treatment given to the contents and the pedagogical strategies.