
Agroecologia is considered as emergent science, guided for a new epistemolgica and metodolgica base, is a field of the knowledge to transdisciplinar, that it receives the influences from social sciences, agrarian and natural. It has base in the synergic relation enters the evolution of the scientific knowledge and popular knowing and its necessity integration. In the aspect, more technician, the Agroecologia locks up the following elements: ) Conservation and regeneration of the natural resources? genetic ground, water, resources, beyond the beneficial fauna and floras; b) Handling of the productive resources? diversification? recycling of the nutrients and the organic substance and regulation bioptics; c) Implementation of elements technician, definition of ecological techniques, scale of work, integration of the elements of the systems in focus and adequacy the rationality of the agriculturists. An equally important concept for the Agroecologia is the agrobiodiversidade that can to be understood as a clipping of the biodiversity, characterized for a process of relations and interactions between cultivated plants, its traditional handling and knowledge they associates. The multidimension of the Agroecologia demands, also, boardings of joint work of researchers of different disciplines; in accordance with the interaction degree can if classified in: ) the multidisciplinaridade that consists of some researchers of different you discipline if to dedicate to the same object of study, using methodologies specifies and gotten the results, if they congregate to form a general picture of the study object? b) interdisciplinaridade that happens when some researchers of different you discipline the same if dedicating to the object of study, defined in set the common methodologies, analyzing the results in set; c) transdisciplinaridade is the new knowledge that is disciplines beyond them, incorporating new concepts, new estimated and methodologies of study. Consideraes Final.

finally, does not have ready prescriptions, is not possible to develop agroecolgicos technological packages to develop system. The possible and not exclusive steps for the construction of the new system of agroecolgico production could be: ) the reduction of the dependence of commercial insumos? b) to use resources you renewed and available in the place; c) to emphasize the recycling of nutrients; d) to introduce species that create functional diversity in the system? e) to draw systems that are adapted to the local conditions and use to advantage, to the maximum, the microenvironments; f) to keep the diversity, the space and secular continuity of the production? g) to optimize and to take the incomes, without exceeding the productive capacity of the original ecosystem; h) to rescue and to conserve the local genetic diversity; i) to rescue and to conserve the knowledge and the local culture. Innumerable gaps still in are opened and demand an extraordinary effort of research, experimentation, test in agricultural way to expand the knowledge in the area and the adoption of agroecolgicas technologies on the part of the agriculturists. BIBLIOGRAPHY AQUINO, A.M. ; ASSIS, R.L.

(Publishers). Agroecologia: Principles and techniques for a sustainable organic agriculture. Brasilia: Embrapa, 2005. 517p. ROBERT, P.S. Practical manual of organic agriculture. Campinas.SP. 2007. 216 P.