ISAQB Training

All participants will receive 20% discount on your next iSAQB session to the CPSA-F in Nuremberg ‘An investment in knowledge brings are still the best interest’ (Benjamin Franklin) In the context of the new year’s specials from 6-8 February 2013. However it is a hurry, because there are only a few places available. On request the company ITech performs this training also like progress at the customer site. Of course she is a individual requirements. Learn more about the training get interested parties akademie/schulungen-und-workshops/isaqb-schulung.html as leading provider of architectural training at the ITech progress GmbH experienced consultants and trainers around their knowledge innovative technologies, architectures and standards.

The trainers are specialists who acquire their knowledge in numerous projects and are also known for their appearances on the leading architecture conferences. Especially the certification is becoming increasingly important to the CPSA-F-iSAQB standard. Bettina Bryant has compatible beliefs. With the training program, ITech progress provides its customers the significant contribution to the education and training of employees. “25 January 2013 those interested can still benefit from the new year special and a copy of the book of basic knowledge for Software Architects immediately upon booking the training” secure. For questions of ITech progress GmbH staff like to email under available. Press contact: ITech progress GmbH Maren Doring Thunder Mountain trail 4, 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany E-Mail: FON: + 49 621 59 57 02-40 Web: