The artrocinemtica techniques must be used whenever the structures to articulate inert or you do not contract will be shortened; they can be used, with efficiency, in any point of the amplitude of movement and in any direction in which the movement will be restricted. In the horse-draw joint, to the measure that the mobilization techniques go being applied for the treatment of the movement restrictions, certain deformation in the fabric of the structures occurs capsulares or ligamentares. In case that the fabric is prolongated only in its elastic amplitude, permanent structural alterations will not occur. However, in case that this fabric is prolongated in its plastic amplitude, permanent structural alterations will occur. Therefore, the mobilization and the traction can be used to prolongate weaveeed and to break tacks.
However, they will have been used inadequately, they can damage fabrics and also cause entorses in joint. The techniques of treatment developed to improve the accessory movement are composed, generally, for slow movements of small amplitude, being that amplitude is long-distance that the joint is moved passively inside of its total amplitude. They use a short toggle arm to prolongate the ligaments and capsules to articulate, imposing little estresse on these structures and, consequently, they are of certain form safer of what the allonge techniques. System of gradual dosage for mobilization: Degree I – Rhythmic oscillations of small amplitude at the beginning of the amplitude are carried through to articulate. Degree II – Oscillations of great amplitude inside of the existing amplitude are carried through, not reaching the limit. Degree III – Rhythmic oscillations of great amplitude until the limit of existing mobility are carried through.
Degree IV – Rhythmic of small amplitude in the limit of existing mobility and forced oscillations in the tecidual resistance are carried through. TRACTION the traction or separation of the surfaces to articulate is a translatrico movement of recess of the joint, is carried through perpendicularly to the treatment plan. The traction can be used to diminish pain, to increase the mobility of the joint or to test movements accessory. Dosage: Degree I (flabby)? traction to articulate of small amplitude where the capsule is not overloaded. It equals the forces of muscular tension and atmospheric pressure that act on the joint. Degree II (tense)? traction in the surfaces to articulate sufficient to around pressure fabrics of the joint. Degree III (prolongated) – traction of the surfaces to articulate with a great amplitude the sufficient to promote the allonge in the capsule to articulate and neighboring structures periarticulares. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES KNUST, V. Emends of the lesson of manual therapy in the porting injuries. Course of After Graduation in Traumato-Ortopedia with emphasis in manual therapies integrated – University Catholic of Petrpolis, 2010. KISNER, Carolyn & COLBY, Lynn Allen. Therapeutical exercises – beddings and techniques.