New Technologies

SUMMARY the new technologies had in recent years brought one better assistance to the health, through scientific studies and new treatments, making with that the alive and more better human being. Problems and challenges point with respect to the necessity of if producing advances as for the structural questions. The internal auditorship is the ramification of the accounting that allows to analyze procedures with intention to identify imperfections and deficiencies to consider improvements that can take care of to the expectations of users and managers. This article has as objective generality: to detach the paper of the internal control and the auditorship in the municipal public health. As objective specific: to present the evolution of the auditorship and has controlled intern in the support to the management; to point the importance of the principles of the efficiency and effectiveness in the management in the sector of the health; to identify to relative legislation the public administration in the internal control and auditorship. One is about a bibliographical research with methodology, inductive. Word-key: Internal control Auditorship.

Management of the Services of health. ABSTRACTNew technologies have brought to better health care in recent yearsthrough scientific studies and new treatments, that human beings live to only longer and to better. However the health sector backdiscontent because of the difficulties in effectiveness, since it is exclusive and expensive. Thus, there is need you reverse this situation and seek new management options in the control and evaluation become indispensable. Goal This article has the overall: you highlight the rolls of internal themunicipal control and auditing in public health. Specific objectives: you has determines whethermanagement efficiently and effectively; check the planning, monitoring and evaluation of actions in health services; see if there is an educational rolls, not just inspecting, controlling and punitive.

It is literature with methodology, inductive. Key words: Audit. Internal control. Management. Health services.