After the collection, the data statistical had been presented under the form of graphs and tables. The program Excel Office was used, later submitted and analyzed under the light of the literature that deals with the cited subject. 3 01 RESULTS and Graphical DISCURSES – Qualification of the professionals on GRSS. Ahead of presented data 61.54% of the nurses, 84.62% of the technician of nursing and 62.60% of the nurse aid they had never told to have received any qualification and 38.46% of the nurses, 15.38% of the technician of nursing and 17.40% of the nurse aid had answered that they had received qualification. The results show a low index of qualification of the professionals searched in GRSS.
For the ANVISA (2006), the qualification of the involved human resources in the handling of residues of health services constitutes an important stage in the implantation of the GRSS program, with the objective to minimize the production of residues and to provide, to the generated residues, a safe guiding. 38.46% 15.38% 17.40% 61.54% 84.62% 62.60% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nurse Technician of nursing Nurse aid Not Yes 11 Graph 02 – periodic Qualification offered by the institution on the GRSS the graph-02 shows the high index of professionals whom they had told not to have received periodic qualification offered by the institution, represented for 84,62% of nurses, 92.31% of the technician of nursing and 82.60% of the nurse aid. While 15.38% of the nurses, 7.69% of the technician of nursing and 17.40% of the nurse aid had affirmed to have been able. Although the RDC n 33/2003 of the ANVISA to determine that the programs of qualification of the health institution must be part of the plan of management of residues of health services. All the involved staff in the management of the residues must be enabled in the occasion of its admission and be kept under continued education for the activities of handling of residues, including its responsibility with the personal hygiene, of the materials and environments, independent of I tie employment existing (GARCI’A; BRANCHES, 2004).