With the use of a language more technique in the confection of the maps, the same ones had passed not to be of easy interpretation for that they are not technician in the area, thus the maps could until being seen for the population, but they would not be passiveis of easy interpretation. From this change the cartography, to many, passed to be considered geographic science next to accurate sciences, therefore it started to use some mathematical resources in the maps and letters. Later to this renewal in the question of the technique, the cartography passed for an ideological renewal and philosophical, this movement of renewal treats regarding the pragmatic question and of the question it criticizes of the cartography. One of the main objectives of this movement of renewal of the cartography is the idea in addition of that the only maps that have importance are the maps technician, a map cannot be considered more important that the other only for the fact to have been confectioned in artisan way and the other to have counted with the aid of information technologies. The cartography if becomes geographic from the moment where it is not only worried about the representation of the physical space, but also with the relation that the man keeps with that space and that the space keeps with the man. The geographic cartography becomes one of the tteis links between geography technique and geography human being, promoting a possibility of study of the relation of the environment with the activity human being. Contemporarily the cartography is divided in cartography technique and cartography politics, being that the union of these two cartografias of the origin the geographic cartography that also treats beyond the area represented in the maps of the relation enter the population and these areas, mainly in the demographic question and cultural politics and, as demographic density, territorial borders and politics, landmark of aboriginal reserves according to its historical and cultural territories, landmarks of areas of permanent protection, beyond the military importance in the landmark of conflict areas.
Currently the maps and letters are important instruments for the work of the gegrafos and several other professionals. The products of the cartography, letters and maps, are if becoming each time more digital with the polarization and the development each more advanced time of the SIGs (systems of geographic information). We believe that the development of the systems of creation of digital maps has represented a very great advance for the cartography mainly in what it says respect the easinesses that the same brought to the field of the creation of topographical letters and thematic maps. Bibliography ANGELS, Rafael Sanzio Arajo of. Cartography & Education.
Brasilia, DF: Maps Publishing company & Consultoria, 2008. LOCH, Ruth Emilia Walnut. Cartography: representation, communication and visualization of space data. 2. ed. rev. Florianpolis, SC: Ed. of UFSC, 2008. FITZ, Pablo Robert. Basic cartography. New ed. So Paulo: Workshop of Texts, 2008. ALMEIDA, Rosngela (Org.). Pertaining to school cartography. So Paulo: Context, 2007.