
Facades of produce, based on aesthetic, technical and economic points of view. Aesthetic aspect is not particularly worth explaining about it speak eloquently unfinished rows of houses in the villages. + With the technical in terms of delay stucco facade on the walls leads to many defects. Precipitation is impregnated with the surface of walls, masonry elements become wet, do not force yourself to wait and trouble arising due to frost. economic aspect. In the wall, especially if it is composed of smaller elements penetrating moisture, which reduces its thermal insulation and heat. The cost of the additional energy expended in heating a home exceeds the cost of performing plastering work.

Damp walls with ledges mold affect change in the composition of air in the room. All defects inside the plaster can also be found in the device outside, but there are errors that are unique to the exterior. 1.Oshtukaturennaya surface often appears inhomogeneously colored, because the facade area is unequal to the surface water absorbing capacity, its plastered different layers in thickness, then plaster and dries unevenly. In order to prevent this defect acting on the surface of the brick wall of reinforced concrete beams cover any item of fired clay roof tiles for example, forming the same on the properties of the brick surface. The same process and outside surfaces of monolithic reinforced concrete bridges.

2. Make a mistake when you do not prepare the surface under plaster. The joints between the bricks do not cut into enough depth, concrete surface is left too smooth, not obespylivajut surface and do not moisturize it at the required level. For untreated surface of the plaster adheres poorly, the deposition of the 'Dutikow' and it falls off large areas. Similar defects are weak on surfaces. With that occur during reconstruction, when the plaster work is being done to old walls or on surfaces that are subjected to long-term effects of frost. Often make mistakes due to incorrect determination of the thickness of plaster. Too thin plaster can not hide the uneven surface of the wall and in contact with it quickly gets wet precipitation, and the facade through her show through the seams between the elements composing. Too thick plaster cracking during solidification. Through the cracks penetrating moisture and under the influence of cold plaster falling off the surface. 3.Oshtukaturivaniyu facade is not conducive to either very hot or very windy weather. Due to very rapid drying of the material shrinkage occur tension cracks, and the solution before reaching the necessary strength. In the crack gets wet, breaking the surface. If the work is carried out in the heat, it is necessary to obscure the plastered wall. 4.Rabotu on surface, which is plastered with one color, you must perform without interruption and to prepare material directly for the amount of work. If the material is not enough for the entire workload, the solution with the exact same make Kohler virtually impossible. As a last resort place of conjugation renders different batches should coincide with the angle of the wall. 5.Shtukaturka completely spoiled, if immediately after the freshly applied surface beats the wind and rain. Later it will not be able to withstand weathering, and the plaster will have to convert ..