Stanley Kubrick

In turn, the investment in programs of formation continued for the professors in the area of the new technologies must happen as form to guarantee one efficient pedagogical mediation in the work developed with the pupils, aiming at a significant learning and the cognitivo growth of both (pupils and professors). We still stand out the importance of the professor as mediating, creative of new possibilities of learning that considers the individual while to be integral, endowed with multiple intelligences or abilities (agreeing to the affirmations of Howard Gardner), which need to be being valued and extended continuously. While educators, we must be always innovating and ressignificando practical pedagogical with sights the formation of this integral being in constant development. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: Films: THE WAR OF THE FIRE. Director. Jean-Jaques Arnaud. 141 min. Production: AMLF, ICC Belstar, Stephan Films, France/Canada: 1981.