The four pillars of the education, and education for a sustainable development, educational theories of century XXI? Brazil, 22 of April of 1500, ' ' civilizados' ' Europeans arrive at Brazil and find in our land the four pillars of the education structuralized well for ' ' selvagens' ' of the tribal communities. Exactly without the scientific knowledge of ' ' civilizao' ' , the wild said ones practised also, the education for the sustainable development. In the communities that they inhabited Brazil, to learn to learn age a social rule, younger they learned with the example of oldest of natural form, without requirement of time or definitive space much less hierarchy imposition. The children learned to make observing the technique of the adults, however this did not hinder them to use its creativity at the moment that they had abilities to execute its tasks. The members of the community learned early since coexisting of harmonious form, therefore they understood that all depended on all. To learn to be it was only consequence, the human development happened the measure that each one inside understood its function and its responsibility of the community social to guarantee the welfare and the survival of the group.
In the Brazilian tribal communities, it was learned since infancy through the empirical education, the respect the nature, therefore for them all those resources belonged deuses, superior beings, and therefore, could not usufruct of these resources with disrespect not to run the risk to be punished. said wild they had full certainty that they depended on the nature to survive. Our ancestor did not judge deuses. Brazil, 27 of January of 2012, when reading the text written for Moacir Gadotti on the quality of the education, published in 2009 we are carried Brazil Colony, when the European invaders with its supposed intellectuality, they had implanted its model of predatory civilization in our country, with the proposal educational of Jesuits. Such proposal to the implanted being it destroyed model simple efficient of education, the here existing communities. Without the intervention ' ' inteligente' ' of our colonizadores, today we could be living deeply another educational reality, we would be well happyer if we continued being a Land of ' ' selvagens' '.
Throughout our history we try to copy American educational models north and European, nothing compatible with our condition economic partner, and this is one of the reasons of as many failures. In full century XXI with as many educational theories and technologies we feel lack of the education of Brazil of March of 1500, and we try to occult the education of quality practised for the tribal communities. We speak on the four pillars of the education and the education for the sustainable development, as they were unknown ideas, of contemporaneide. It has some hope of that one day let us be capable to recoup lesson of education, of our ancestor ' ' selvagens' '? Little probable, therefore our pride does not leave in to perceive them that the flag of the education defended for the theoreticians of the present time, as goal to be reaches, already it was displayed for the tribal communities, and torn for the same intellectuals, that now they try to patch. Rejane Paradella Silva