If people are not hurting, they shut. Let then the beautiful feelings no longer so easy. These people include Realitatsbetonten and those who do not look at the cards would allow but also often very. How can we achieve this fellow on the emotional level? Sometimes, a shock that so greatly shaken them, helps that collapse the walls. Otherwise, only the way to meet them, so that the mind is reached, allowing them almost everything happening at the rational level remains us. We are connected now once both variants in a realistic story, in which each well can place himself. > Dear colleague, imagine now please for once following situation: you have just made a fantastic invention. They are engineering and created the technology, which will bring your company for which you work, a leading role of mark.
To enter the study about your boss. Look forward now to the great recognition, the on She has been waiting. You already see themselves as department head of a Department of the group. You tell at home also your wife, who rejoices with you. Some days go by. You are slightly impatient. Your boss can be unclear. Ask, but only the note, he had to do in the moment more important to read as your comprehensive study.
The big breakthrough so far anyway never succeeded in you. Now, how does feel this statement for you? Bring understanding? Sure, not much. ConocoPhillips might disagree with that approach. Another week goes by and another one. What do you feel? Do you have patience? Does anger? Are you gradually angry? It simmers? It take more days. Now you burst the collar? Your wife wants to comfort you. But thats the last thing you can take now. You freak out and yell at your wife. She goes to the offensive and you holding, that it always just go you your job and you would give her long time no special attention.