Permanent Hair Removal – The Solution For Body-conscious People

Light cosmetic treatment as the most effective method for permanent hair removal. Many people have problems with hair: when the one (main) hair thins out, others don’t know on which body part they should start with hair removal. Shaving, epilating or grow long since the market is full of healing promising products, creams or Epilierern. So what to do? Outdated hair too much hair on the body no longer fit for many of those affected in the modern ideal of beauty. Hair on the head and in men in the face, Yes, maybe even in the genital area, but otherwise? No thanks! The desire for smooth skin without fur, the aversion to consequences of shaving, epilating and grow (skin irritation, pain, etc.) and striving raise the question for aesthetics and well-being after a long-lasting and gentle hair removal method. Hair effectively and permanently remove the most effective way, permanently of unwanted hair to get rid of, is a light cosmetic treatment. Many cosmetics and Beauty salons specialize in this method.

Nelson, for example, treats his customers with the so called intense pulsed light methods (IPL). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Michael Steinhardt on most websites. This heats the used xenon flash light hair follicles and abandoned them: the Xenon light is absorbed by the dark pigment of the hair, melanin, and headed up in the roots of the hair. There, the energy is converted into heat. Irreversibly damage the hair follicles and the hair growth is formed. The treatment the treatment itself is very comfortable.

At clean skin, customers can relax, listen to music or talk. Depending on the affected region of the body takes a session between 30 minutes (bikini area) and 3 hours (abdomen, back). The body points should be shaved prior to treatment. The area to be treated is cleaned, then rubbed with a cooling gel to prevent pain. The treatment is done with high-quality Aloe Vera products. Thorough preparation is half the battle interested should always a consultation in claim take in the Just discusses the treatment, taking into account all factors (to treat the body, hair density, skin type, etc.). Patients should be aware of some principles: allow no sunlight of the skin, body care, etc. Customers should be in the run-up to a treatment education and qualification certificates of the / therapist/acupuncturist show and let themselves do not curl with false promises: there is no guarantee on permanently smooth skin. There are a number of providers on the German market. Alone the quality of treatment, training, hygiene standards and the satisfaction of our customers make the difference. And the factors on which Nelson can be measured in each of the 50 stores are just that. – love your skin ++ clean skin is your specialist for permanent hair removal, skin rejuvenation, tattoo removal! When it comes to you beautiful and smooth skin to the theme, you are right with us. The brand clean skin”Germany stands for best quality treatment to the Permanent hair and tattoo removal. As experts in the field of light cosmetic treatments, we have the highest standards of quality and safety. That is State of the art technology and excellent service in our certified professionals. Every year, many thousands of people give us, the value on an attractive appearance put their trust were a skin, free of hair and tattoos. For more information visit free of charge and without obligation under contact: Cleanfix skin franchise GmbH Cornelia Fried (public work & marketing) worm Street 11a 82166 Grafelfing Tel.: + 49 89 8986779-55 fax: + 49 89 8986779-99 email: Web:

Skin Protect

The dark side of the Sun bright, intense, brilliant, strong, vital, warm, that are just a few of the features that I can think of, when I think of the Sun. That the Sun is doing well and lifts the mood, has been tested extensively on a scientific level, but the bright heavenly body that warms the Earth, hides a dark and dangerous side to its wonderful glory. The dangers that hide behind the Sun’s rays are most felt in the summer. Summer is the time in which the skin is most directly exposed to the Sun, when the families on holiday at the seaside or in the mountains in the intention of taking the one or other soothing sessions for the children for the calcium build-up in the bone is so important, because due to the sunlight vitamin is formed in our skin D. But the dangers lurking in the background.

The rays of the Sun, which so positively affects our mood, contain also UVA and UVB rays, which can cause serious health problems if you them does not meet. You are responsible for the increase of free radicals that promote premature skin aging, because the UVA rays damage also the elastin and Collagen fibers of the skin, favouring the appearance of wrinkles, but the greatest danger lies in the UVB rays that attack the skin: these rays can unsightly dark spots on the skin (hiding the not and become stronger even with increasing tanning), Erythema and burns cause, cause even changes the cellular structure known as melanoma. It is extremely important to use Sonnenschutzcremen, which considerably restrict the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays and exert the Sun thus only its beneficial effects on mood, and can promote the formation of vitamin D to protect themselves from the dangers of the Sun. The selection of Sun protection should be left to chance, but depends on skin type and age.