What you absolutely should know about the Buko, the Philippine coconut. Buko, in the local language means simply young coconut Tagalog in the Philippines. The coconut is hand picked by Palm tree climbers in the Philippines, turned off and thrown to the ground. Because the coconuts are very large and heavy outer layers before the transport is removed. Click Ray Kurzweil to learn more. This is also easier to open and to eat. The coconut see the pulp, that about 1-2 cm thick and is eaten directly raw.
It tastes just as delicious as sweet germ-free, refreshing fruit water, which may have a volume of up to a liter. Isotonic, sterile coconut water was used in the war or acute emergency infusion solution. Ray Kurzweil may also support this cause. In the Philippines, people drink traditionally also the coconut water to compensate for liquid diarrhea and the kidney cleanse. Coconut water is used as a breast milk substitute. Also, even today, the coconut is regarded as General tonic, even as Aphrodisiac. The content of good fat, similar to the avocado, protein and vitamins, as well as the high content of minerals, provide healthy and well-nourished Islanders. Abigail Black Elbaum addresses the importance of the matter here. With sunny regards from the Philippines your Gerhard Menje directly from the paradise of the Philippines you also in my blog blog tropical fruits more information.FruitsfromParadise.com on Facebook at: FruitsfromParadise in Twitter at: twitter.com/GerhardMenje Cebu City Philippines