Integral Education

The Program More Education, for being one politics of government, searchs to take care of the schools that present the IDEB Index of Development of Basic Education low the pupil in situation of risk of social vulnerability. However, the school has the social paper to integrate different to know, educative spaces, and to try to promote an education that estimates a learning for the life. OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE GENERAL: To analyze the Program More Education and its contributions in the pertaining to school resume and the learnings of the pupils. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES? To point out the integral education in the official speech and the pertaining to school resume; Potencializar learnings foreseen in the proposal of the Program More Education, strategies and avaliativos processes focused to enrich the regular pertaining to school resume; To focus which the contribution of the Program More specific Education for the learning of the pupil in relation to the knowledge, abilities and educative formation. To establish a communication between daily scientific knowledge and evidencing points that contribute in the education process learning.

METHODOLOGY The related work if presents with qualitative character that corresponds below to the traced stages, which involves contextualizadas analyses and interpretations that use of many instruments of research analyzes to mark out with buoys the knowledge. The metodolgico process is of application of questionnaires to the involved staff (oficineiros, pupils and tutor) in the perspective to foment its importance in the process of teach-learning of the pupils who participate of the program which is being searched. The purpose of the application of the questionnaires aimed at, to search aspects of the Integral Education in the Program More Education what the formation of educating says respect. The interviews made with oficineiros of the related program, that in accordance with its answers, had been able to clarify the importance of the carried through activities, focusing explored abilities of objective form that they contribute for a significant learning. FINAL CONSIDERAES The related research could on the basis of foment a series of referring concepts to the question of the integral education the Program More Education. From the quarrels and acquisition of the information, we conclude that to offer an education of integral regimen to being educated it makes with that the same it can acquire a knowledge that results in its cognitivo development, personal and to be an operating citizen for the transformation of the society where lives. The integral education in the context of the pertaining to school resume, in accordance with our process of analysis, must contribute to extend the times and the spaces of formation of the children in one perspective of that the access to the public education is contemplated thus they all have permanence in the school during the day aiming at one better learning.

Educational Technologies

The use of the new technologies in the educational process. As cited previously, the use of new technologies is to each inserted day in our society and the educational process. Edson Alves Heifer, in its article ‘ ‘ The new Education and tecnologias’ ‘ it mentions the following one: ‘ ‘ In synthesis, the presence of the TIC has been onslaught of multiple directions, that go of the alternative of ultraticket of the limits ranks for ‘ ‘ old tecnologias’ ‘ , mainly represented for picture-of-chalk and materials printed matters, to the reply for the most diverse educational problems or even though for questions socioeconmico-polticas.’ ‘ (HEIFER, 2007) the author mentioned that these new technologies enclose since the evolution of old technologies, as blackboards and the chalk, that can be substituted by Date Show and exhibition of slides, until the facilitation of cultural ascension for the society. Interesting data are that many specialists in the subject concernente to the digital medias say that daqui ten years, the way as we attend a television program will be total different in which we are accustomed nowadays, therefore it will be possible, beyond receiving information, interacting with this information, transmitting-and resulting in an interactive, emitting and receiving complex. For the education, he can be created programs, senders with educational contents, and the pupil, in its house, can acquire new knowledge, corroborating with the content learned in the school. Landmark Hisses, in its article ‘ ‘ Interatividade: a basic change of the classic project of comunicao’ ‘ it tells that: ‘ ‘ Today it has who guarantees: ‘ ‘ Daqui the ten years goes to completely seem nonsense to have a device of TV in house for which you cannot transmit nothing, only receber.’ ‘ Marchand dealt with this change in middle of the decade of 1980. We are now in year 2000 and the paradigmtica change analyzed by the author did not stop to confirm itself.

The Social

Ahead of this perspective, Macedo, Petty and Passos (2000) affirm that the professors also can carry through quarrels with the pupils to introduce contents demanded for the resume, in accordance with the worked series, through the use of the dimension playful, looking for to become the learning most pleasant, interesting and amused to stimulate the pupils in the process of the construction of the proper mathematical and geometric knowledge. In this perspective, Freire (1996) argues that the pupils learn when they find ways dialgicas to have access the knowledge through pertaining to school activities that them deem subsidies for the construction of the proper autonomy through the valuation and of the respect to its culture and the set of acquired previous knowledge in the daily one. Thus, Freire (1996) affirms that the use of interesting and challenging activities is important that have as starting point the daily experience of the pupils so that they have chance of a critical reflection to construct meanings, stimulating them it a critical reflection of the reality in which they they are inserted. These activities must favor individual or collective work moments, so that the pupils construct the proper knowledge. Of this form it is necessary to bring for the classroom pedagogical strategies that despertam in the pupils the will to learn and that they have at the same time social relevance. In this direction, the paper of the educators is to stimulate the necessary motivation so that the teach-learning of geometry happens through curricular activities that have connection with the social and economic context of the pupils (PINK, 2010). Thus, the necessity of that the traballhados pedagogical materials in classroom produce an critical-analytical understanding of the geometric concepts through the communication and of the dialgica interaction exists that occurs in this environment of learning. Then, we can conclude that, in accordance with the theory of Ausubel, Novak and Hanesian (1980), this context allows that the pupils hold back the geometric knowledge in significant way in opposition to acquired knowledge in a decorated and mechanical way.

Russian Western Siberia

Russian citizens have observed a rare natural phenomenon – a total solar eclipse of the first of August the inhabitants of Western Siberia, and many tourists have seen a rare natural phenomenon – a total solar eclipse. The total solar eclipse began on Earth at 9:00 21 minutes 7 seconds of Greenwich mean time (13 hours 21 minutes 7 seconds GMT), when the Moon's shadow touched the surface of the planet in the Gulf of Queen Maud. The band went through a full eclipse of the Russian Western Siberia, affecting Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Gorno-Altaisk, Nadym and November. More than 10 000 people watched a total solar eclipse in Nadym (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District), more willing to see this rare phenomenon gathered in Novosibirsk. On the solar eclipse had come to see over a thousand Russian and foreign tourists, mainly from the Netherlands, Austria and India, as well as from Russian regions, including Moscow.

And if simple people of the world perceive the solar eclipse as simply a rare event, scientists are trying to find out any important points that occur during an eclipse. For example, a total solar eclipse has given astronomers a unique opportunity to detail 'see' the Sun's corona – the outer, the hottest layer of the solar atmosphere. But scientists and enthusiasts from Germany, Spain and Finland have studied animal behavior at the time of the Novosibirsk Zoo total solar eclipse on Friday. Physicians have studied the impact of the eclipse on the human body. And one of the insurance companies of Novosibirsk even put into an insurance contract item on which the fault accident could have been solar eclipse! The total solar eclipse – a phenomenon very rare indeed. The next such eclipse will occur July 22, 2009, it will be seen in central India, Nepal and Bhutan.

Petroleum Exporting Countries

Eurocentrism has arisen in the Age of Discovery (mid XV century. – Mid-XVII century.) Dominate the world when the Europeans made a great leap in the development of science, technology and production. In the Renaissance (Renaissance) was formed and consolidated view of European civilization as the direct heir of the ancient world. All nations and civilizations are considered from the point of view reflected in their history and culture of acquaintances, Europe, the devil, moreover, these features are not the same for Europe. Classic Eurocentrism to the west of the Rhine said the benchmark European Greece and Rome, Italy, France and England. Scientists between the Rhine and the Oder include an understanding of the "European" Byzantium Germanic and Balkan lands. Thinkers of the Eastern European countries represent its history and culture differently: they view Russia as the bearer of European civilization, including the vast Asia. There are two main points view on Eurocentrism.

According to one, are isolated from each other "organisms", "monad," as they called the German philosopher, early XX century. Spengler. According to another, are inalienable and going in general similar stages of development part of the whole world. Scientists divide the local civilization under the terms of their appearance (eg, river civilizations), social and economic development (trade civilization "), connect time, religious and territorial definition ("of medieval European Christian civilization"). In this case, a number of countries in Europe, North America and East Asia with the most sustainable socio-economic structure. Economic development, information and scientific resources, high population of these States can actually determine the direction of development of human civilization.

Among the developed countries are particularly members of the Group of Seven – the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Britain and Italy. For example, the U.S. and Western European countries impose such restrictions on imports from the Asian cars, steel, consumer electronics, and Russia – on the import of cars of foreign production. In developed countries it is widely practiced by agricultural protectionism to protect its producers and the domestic food market. Development of integration leads to the emergence of collective protection (eg, OPEC – the Organization of the – Petroleum Exporting Countries). EEC countries have eliminated all trade barriers among themselves, but against other countries adopted a common policy restrictions.

Computer Literacy For Managers

You are a successful professional manager with extensive experience, but because of circumstances, do not possess all the necessary computer skills? We can help you eliminate all the gaps. So, how to effectively improve their own productivity and the productivity of subordinates? Of course, you will come to the aid of modern software products. Often, much needed, you can use for free legally. A large number of programs designed specifically to two maximally facilitate your work in the public domain, that is, are free. We are pleased to tell you how to use them and how significant efficiency they can bring.

Almost all modern companies have a mandatory representation in the Internet (site) that say that almost all workers are equipped with computers and other modern appliances. Introduce innovations into the work of his company – the need for any dynamic team. Modern technology for you – this is your way to improvement of all processes in your company. Maximum cheap or even free of charge, use all the necessary functions of programs and networks. Regardless of what you have initial training and proficiency with computers, we will give you all the necessary knowledge to become an advanced user to expand their horizons and help their subordinates to use different software products. So, what exactly do we suggest that you explore all the differences, pros, cons, advantages and disadvantages of desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets – you choose the instrument that optimally vamsovremennye suitable operating systems – what are the differences between what is more convenient for specific vasinternet technology – pros and cons, and useful features and unnecessary 'musor'byudzhetirovanie a computer – simple and free effective programmyzaschita all your data from unauthorized access Our program mainly aims to ensure that work was carried out quickly and the result was higher. For any further information you can go to our website – "Lidgard.".

Motivate The Study Of Technical English

Personally, when faced with the necessity of studying technical English, decided to share with all the experience. I have to say I managed it and I'm happy with my result. In connection with the development of our abilities and desires, English to us it is very necessary. And many even eager to learn it. After all, it is no secret that it gives you more opportunities – trips abroad, chatting with friends, colleagues, improving function and more.

But here we are encounter the same problems. Where can I find free time for study? How to make doing homework an interesting and not boring? Why eventually loses interest? And many others … But the emergence of such questions – a good sign! After all, it is important to have the desire and understanding that something goes wrong .. and this is the first step to addressing these issues. The first thing to always have a goal, otherwise not to aspire to.

Technical English is useful to you for tourist trips in the work (technical writer, programmer, translator, manager, logistician, and others). And in any case this is not just wasted time. Let's try to find motivation for your learning. Why do we learn? We learn for yourself, not for neighbors or friends … and the benefits of this would be primarily visible to you. Consider the following questions and you will understand where the motivation to do. – What will give me the knowledge Technical English? – What I want to achieve? – How knowledge of technical English to help me achieve my main goal, or more? What level you want to achieve in technical English? Be prepared for that studying technical English – a long and tedious process. If you already have the minimum required knowledge, then maybe it will take a couple of months (maybe more). But if the study starts from zero, then prepare for periodic diligent studies within six months. Yes, of course, each person is different. For one, learn the words – easy, another must be an everyday practice. Do not worry. Starting is always difficult, further it is much easier. Learn English technical terms. They will be useful to you first. Do you read literature, write or communicate with someone. Need to bring understanding and knowledge of words to automaticity. To sometimes start thinking in English. To produce the style of texts. In technical English, it is especially important. To anything long and colorful descriptions. Clarity – our challenge. The fewer words the better. It's not so simple – shrink the text to minimize the volume while retaining maximum information content. This is a quality criterion. Teach grammar. Anyway, without her nowhere. Interesting turn will save you and help you achieve the desired style. Do not limit your possibilities. Read and listen to a lot of interesting information on technical English language – newspapers, magazines, blogs, forums. Even proverbs, idioms, jokes, songs – everything will be very helpful. Miscellaneous classes and diversify training motivate! Find a supervisor. Perhaps, brother, sister, parents and close friends – all they can to help you, talking every day, asking what you learned, to analyze the issues together. So-called "confession" (in this context – the share problems with a friend) helps himself to solve all problems immediately. Recite aloud. This adds motivation to the sessions. Systematicity. Reward yourself for regular classes technical English. Let's take a rest after hard work, rest will only get nicer. You'll be proud of themselves.

State School Techniques

In 2011, from the month of May, thousands of Chilean students had left to the streets its country having demanded a gratuitous, accessible education and of better quality, in an intense mobilization that lasted more than six months little, registering themselves, equally, a massive movement of English students in November for similar guidelines, without having, however, correspondence of action in Brazil, despite between us if it keeps a picture of at every level pressing situations related of education, underlined for the permanence of structural problems and also related to the wage scope of professors and servers. Not obstante, in the interior of the ETEC Hortolndia, one considers in general level the effort of construction of an education that propitiates the search of a global and holistic understanding of the reality, without losing of sight that, in special in technician-professionalizing, objective education to know constructing them, abilities and abilities that become the egresses apt to the work market. in this point, rescuing frequent debates on the subject verified between the professors and, of certain form assayed in annual seeming of the Advice of School of 2009 engraved with fulcrum in the article 11 of the Common Regiment of the Schools State Techniques of the CEETEPS, in the ETEC Hortolndia has in consideration to the current partner-economic reality of the region with its educational profile its proper Projeto Politician-Pedagogical (PPP), that, in search of the manifestation and reaffirmation of the identity of the proper Pertaining to school Unit and of its objective, it discloses if in intention of contemplation of the necessary interdisciplinaridade for an efficient and dynamic learning, visa the environment of intense conurbao and existing cultural diversity in the region metropolitan of Campinas where if it points out the city of Hortolndia, despite if it is cliente of the problems consequentemente inherent to this context..

Foreign Language

Language skills "I have no aptitude for language." Those who are sure of this, should ask themselves: "I speak the native language and freely understand it?", "I read and write in their native language, and can, in a letter I do not Pushkin, but the letters in words pile up pretty easily? "" I'm deaf and dumb, or say how Ellochka: from "The Twelve Chairs"? "If the answer is yes, no, congratulations. Do you have language skills, not cloudy any obstacles. The ability of language – fundamental human ability, man – it's monkey-talker. A man loves the language as a mother. A different language is just a synonym for home. Can reasonably argue, "What about all these polyglots, or just my one friend came to America, knowing only the Hi yes Good-bye, and two weeks later to speak as an American, and another friend, and taught him to walk courses and suffering in the United States because of problems with the language? "The answer is simple as a rake. First instinctively uses the correct strategy, and another such intuition has not appeared, and the man who would be suggested and picked the right strategy, too, was not there.

The once-common hypothesis is that there are 'non-linguistic' people, unable to any way to learn a foreign language is not supported by any expert today. Anyone can be taught to speak a foreign language, it is only important to choose the correct individual method of teaching. Why do we think that we are not capable of language? And where a person is taken belief that he is not capable of language? It's a convenient excuse their own laziness? Or facilities acquired in school? It is a mixture of both.

Computer Help

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Tell readers about the actual techniques and methods in choosing a programmy.Tak Also you can download for FREE popular programs which I'll explain. In addition, acquaint visitors with the characteristics of computers in one section of the site talk about how to install Windows itself. For easier digestion provided Information will be posted photos and video clips. The site author reserves the right to change the tasks of the site in the direction of their expansion, to improve the quality, availability, timeliness, accuracy and completeness provided by information. I'll be glad to hear feedback and suggestions on the work site to accommodate them in their future work. Site address: Computer help