Diaz Bordenave

Other legislaes also regulate the EAD: Decree n. 2,404, of 10 of February of 1998 regulates article 80 of the LDB in the distance, in 13 articles, defining on education; conferring norms for certification, school registration, transference and exploitation of credits; forms of evaluation and credenciamento of institutions carry through that them; others. Decree n. 2,561, of 27 of April of 1998 modifies the cited decree previously, in article 11, including the credenciamento for institutions of professional education in technological level e, article 12 extending offers in the distance of courses directed to the professional education of level technician. It would carry n. 301, of 7 of April of 1998, in 12 articles, normatiza the procedures of credenciamento of institutions that want in the distance to offer courses of graduation and technological professional education with the modality.

The EAD allows to greater accessibility, convenience, personalized rhythm, economy of time and cost. Diaz Bordenave (1988), in its study that questions if the long-distance education can help to decide the educational problems of Brazil, presents advantages, disadvantages, perspectives and challenges of this modality of education. How much to the advantages, the author enumerates that the long-distance education can reach a great number of people and groups, exactly that the physical distances and social between the individuals they are enormous; he facilitates to the learning of the people, allowing the use of the available time, without the necessity of if moving of the home or the workstation; adapta it the proper rhythm of learning of each individual, being able to be carried through in groups or individually; it reduces the cost of qualification for student, beyond saving with the personal expenditures (transport, lodging, feeding, etc.) of the pupil; it requires few instruments to elaborate the didactic contents and materials, allowing, thus, the act of contract of the best ones specialists in each area of the knowledge; he serves, for the versatility of the methodology, as much to the formal education how much to the informal one; he uses a infinity of technological resources; he develops the capacity of the autodidatismo, that is, to learn for itself, without the presence of a professor.

The Means

The citizens possess individual freedoms and autonomy for its choices, therefore if she makes responsible for its success or failure, while these speeches of world without poverty run the reality of life of many, leaves escancarada the misery situation and shows the failure of the capitalist politics. II Soon historical of the Brazilian educational politics. ) Approaching the decade of 50 the 70. escolaridade as process integrator was very spread out in the phase where the new technological processes needed hand of qualified workmanship for its manuscript. These new on technological ways to the education denoted the development. This phase, for the necessity of formation of hand of qualified workmanship for the work, despertou the relation between education and economy. This necessity to characterize workmanship hand was favorable to the work market, for the development that the education propitiated when preparing the workers for the means of production and the new technological processes.

This necessity also became opportune to the State, for the economic contribution of the education, that was had as basic factor for the development goals. In this period, ahead of as many points given as positive on to the education, the pertaining to school systems had been become enlarged of significant form. education came as prerequisite in the attainment of a job, therefore the time subsequent to the second war where the world was in reconstruction, was opportune to have diligent apt will deal it with the new processes and technological innovations. The qualified worked one was certain source of incomes. Of form that to characterize the work force, it was of certain, a considered factor essential. During 50 years e60 aeducao strong was spread as development source. the expansion of the schools came as powerful form of social integration. The variation, in terms, that the education presented in this period, came as contribution for the economic growth in Brazil.

Tiradentes University

This study it will be based through theoretical basements of World-wide the Superior Education at a distance, Latin America and still by means of some famous authors as: Marta Mena, Lgia Rodrguez, Maria Laura Diez, Manoel Moran, Moacir Gadotti, Pierre Lvy, Luiz Market, Maria Lcia Neder, Maria Neide Sobral Da Silva, Luiz Carlos Parents, among others. She will bring a theoretical recital to guide practical the pedagogical one with the use of the new technologies in Superior Ensino in Education in the distance thus to prevent the defection in EAD. This research will be important to help to professors, pupils and readers interested in the virtual world at a distance to discover the problem of the defection in Superior Ensino. To verify the problems occurred in the defection in the courses in EAD of the Tiradentes University to apply? if? the investigativos questionnaires to the colleges student who had given up. In this analysis, it will intend to have a diagnosis of what the university pupils think in the distance on Ensino of the Tiradentes University, its methodologies of education with the use of the New Technologies. Moreover, it will investigate if in its insertion in the superior level they had had formation, access and use of the new technologies of the information and communication. It is important to know that them pupils to reach its objectives in the launched program, are necessary in the distance to consider the knowledge and abilities demanded for the Education. As well as the handling of the technological resources such to have in account its previous formation or the requirements of ingression. From there it will appear a proposal pedagogical to help the pupils to diminish its difficulties, to reflect on its practical and only not to fulfill what the academic programs demand, but that they know to manejar the necessary technologies that they give support to its studies to guarantee its permanence in the long-distance courses.

Payments in the United States

Single payment – most often refers to grants and awards for achievement. Periodic payments – most likely related to the usual understanding of the scholarship. Usually characterized in those cases where the financial assistance involves the payment of daily expenses for lodging and meals. as Assessment to a scholarship in the U.S. First – performance. Unfortunately, unless you were a diligent student and do not like to learn about education in U.S. universities can be forgotten.

Academic component of the educational process in American universities is in the first place, and require students, especially at the graduate level, a very great mental effort, diligence and concentration. Students graduate and doctoral studies full-time render research, writing scientific papers. And from a student-scholar expect even more remarkable abilities than the students, who themselves pay for their education. Secondly, a specialty. We have already mentioned that funding for areas of exact, natural, technical sciences available to a greater extent than other specialties. Mathematicians, computer programmers, biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, environmentalists are more likely to find interesting for yourself curriculum and research master's and doctoral programs than economists, linguists and historians. This can be explained by the fact that the state encourages the development of those industries in which tends to lead: the high technology, the study of natural processes, development of new drugs and treatments for diseases, etc.

We can say that the experts who are interested in scientific research, high chance to get financing his education in the United States. In the theoretical fields need to show more outstanding ability to get a chance for a scholarship or grant. And, thirdly, it is important to find the answer to the question: "How will I benefit from science, society, the university community? ". This question, which is often required to reveal a motivational letters and essays, and sometimes is decisive for the candidate. Must logically describe how your previous experience, knowledge and ability to combine with your plans for the future, as you might diversify the social life of the university, what new could bring to the scientific community. The future plans is important to show compliance program, university or foundation. If you see some kind of knowledge, skills or abilities you do not have enough – work on yourself, learn and explore. If you find yourself in an exemplary portrait of the successful candidate, feel free to look for opportunities and go for it!