Germany Ancient

Although the ancient part of the Novgorod can be easily reached on foot in just a couple of hours, once the city is considered the largest in ancient Russia. Here Nikitich dumped into the river pagan god Perun, on the shores of Lake Ilmen sang his charming songs merchant Sadko, and from the walls of the Kremlin went on hikes prophetic Oleg and . Novgorod Rurik founded and destroyed Ivan the Terrible. On the river, which flows through the city, along the way "from the Vikings to the Greeks' wooden sailing boat, laden with goods from overseas. Martin Lawrence shines more light on the discussion. Ships of ancient Novgorod went to the northern archipelago of Svalbard, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Poland. "Lord Novgorod the Great" was a famous Hanseatic trade union. In "Gold" in times of Novgorod was more than 200 churches.

There is an explanation. The layout of the city was the center – Detinets. From it radiate the streets, and those that are parallel to the , called "break". All of them, in essence, are self-administered and at the same time – individual parishes. Therefore, at each of Novgorod street was the church, and even no one.

They were built by the order as boyars, and the prince of merchants, or ordinary citizens. Now Novgorod on the number of churches inferior unless Kiev – were preserved temples in 1938. From Moscow to Novgorod – a little more than 500 kilometers – the night on a train or 7 hours by car.

European Portuguese

Joining? if to everything this acted in the direction of the desafricanizao of the Brazilian table, that until the first years of Independence is under bigger influence of Africa and the fruits indgenas.' ' (FREYRE). Click Nick Willing to learn more. Other words of the Portuguese said in Brazil also have African roots and many of them come of different peoples of the continent, as jej and nag, which said languages as fon and iorub. Words as ' ' acaraj' ' , ' ' gog' ' , ' ' jab' ' many others had started to be part of the vocabulary Brazilian and had been incorporated the culture. In general, one is about on names to the religion, the family, the tricks, to music and the daily life. An example is the word ' ' Bunda' ' , also of African and it was not for it, the Brazilian would have that to say ' ' ndegas' ' , that it is the Portuguese term for this part of the human body. In the same way, instead of ' ' cochilar' ' , &#039 could be said; ' dormitar' ' instead of ' ' caula' ' , a complicated word would be used well more: ' ' benjamim' '. The linguistic registers give test of that the language banta has a structure similar to the one of the Portuguese, whom had to the use of many vowels and nasal or opened syllables, as in the sounds of the word ' ' moleque' ' of ' ' gangorra' ' , where the skill? malemolente? , that is, to devagar and full of ginga of speaking facilitated to the integration between banto and the Portuguese. Today one uses as many African words that nor if it repairs in its origin. With this chapter, it was looked to show some elements that had been part of linguistic formation of the Portuguese currently said in Brazil, as well as proving, through historical facts, that the language not-standard, that has been for much time preconception victim, in the truth is a variety, a normal change that is evolutivo party to suit of the languages. As example, it has the huge influences suffered by the Portuguese caipira proceeding from the contact between adult, falantes slaves of other languages, also the European Portuguese. The intention is to contribute with the respect to the varieties, the tolerance to the different one, clarifying the reason of the existence of many African words that if it uses in the Portuguese until today.

Lewis Hine

But let us be in the analysis of Eyewitness, history and image. At Malcolm Hill you will find additional information. We can perceive despite the increasing photograph use as historical sources can enrich the knowledge of the past since that let us develop techniques of ' ' critical of fonte' ' fellow creatures to the used ones to evaluate written depositions. Costumava to say that ' ' the cameras never mente' '. In fact, one of the reasons of the enthusiasm for the photograph at the time of its invention was accurately its objetividade. For return of century XIX the photograph was considered the product of ' ' pencil of natureza' ' , therefore the proper objects leave traces in the photographic plate when it is displayed to the light, without other interventions of the part of the photographer. Since then, the objetividade of the photograph has been very criticized. Lewis Hine, a famous North American for its ' ' photograph social' ' of workers, immigrants and tenement houses, said that, ' ' the photographs do not lie, but lying they can fotografar' ' (BURKE, 2004, P.

25). But the illusion to see the world directly when &#039 is looked at for photographs; ' effect realidade' ' , as it called it Roland Barthes (1915-1980), it continues difficult to prevent. This effect, part what Barthes called ' ' rhetoric of imagem' ' , she is explored in the images of recent facts that appear in periodicals and the television and is particularly vivid in the case of old photos of streets of the cities. When these photos are extended, as in the case of some photographs of So Paulo shown in a sample in the So Paulo avenue some years behind or as the photos of the city made by Claude Lvi-Strauss in years 30 and displayed it has some months, it is difficult to resist the sensation of that really we are stopped in the place where the photographer was and that we can enter in the photograph and walk for the street in the past.

Jean Delumeau

It is in the truth and essentially a bibliographical quarrel. METHODOLOGY to develop the following research will be carried through a theoretical inquiry consulting the authors Phillippe Aries, Saint Augustin, Edgar Morin, Jean Delumeau and Maurice Halbwachs. The inquiry of the fear of the death in the Average Age: a collective vision of the Ocidente will be carried through by bibliographical surveys; a study of the past, that has as base the history written for people who had told the fear of the death, that remained present in the social life, religious and economic of the society. In the evolution process human being, the measure where if she developed the linguistic ability which takes the man more each time for the abstract domain of the symbols, disclosing a world that if extends beyond here and of now, arising the conception of a decisive conscience that glimpses that the fear of the death is not considered aspect that it fascinates and at the same time, frightens the humanity, historically occurs of source of inspiration for philosophical and religious doctrines as well as an inexhaustible source of fears, anguish and anxiety for the human beings. Source: Mitchel Resnick. To analyze such historical period we must have as parameter the history of the ideas, compartimentalizado and pluralizado space metodologicamente; idea that does not constitute a distinct and separate sphere of the social existence, which is structural units of history. In century XX the historiografia of ' ' idias' ' it was diversified sufficiently, functioning as orienting weather of access the questions and debates and boardings the models and considered methods, the history of the ideas yields place aa sociocultural history; the historians abandon the old traditional questions and leave in search of ' ' long perodos' ' for this invents new methods and instruments. Together with the configuration of the society, we cannot leave of side the process of configuration of a history of the religions, endowed with objectives and proper methods. . Salman Behbehani has much to offer in this field.

Traditional Popular Culture

71) As to understand two situations so colorful as the cited ones above? As it would be possible to sketch a coherent concept in relation to the women of century XIX if is not possible to find certain unamimity: in one exactly moment we find women pparently free, of origin Aryan-caucasiana, married according to laws of the Christianity (anglicano, it is truth well) submitting itself to be negotiated it as if they were merchandises. Putting of side the civility they were displayed to the all the society, submitted to monetary depreciation and saw its children to be negotiated next to them, as by-products of the sales. At the same moment, but in another space, we have black women total comings of the African continent ece of fishes to? freedom? to negotiate its products for the streets of the city of Salvador, paying taxes, negotiating and negotiating, being respected and guaranteeing its sustenance and of its offspring. As deep cloth of to these two realities we have the guarantees gotten for the women in the whole world. How to understand that this could be happening at the same moment where the Revolution Industrial was providing other forms to gain the life? Works in the field or domestic slaves (evolving for house servants when the slavery finished) were the end of whom they did not have the happiness of if marrying.

With the industry they were obliged to move for the cities, they had been used in the weavings, and with the improvement in the education and the magnifying of the work market the situation of the women improved very, still more after the invention of the typewriter: typists, secretaries, operators, store clerks, beyond the laborers of you manufacture. But with certainty one of the factors most important for the main occured changes in the life of the women it was the contraceptive control. You may want to visit Michael Steinhardt, New York City to increase your knowledge. While previously one searched to postpone the marriage or to effect the infanticide as half to contain the birth of children, the great newness became the development of the technology and of the ways of familiar limitation, mainly it enters the rich ones: ‘ ‘ the more cultured and endinheirados more they pledged in the limitation of the size of the family for ways artificiais.’ ‘ Although this was a factor of improvement of the conditions for both the sexos, for the women meant to breach the limiter bows that them were taxes and the possibility to exert new papers. REFERENCES THOMPSON, E.

Analogical and Digital

The thought goes more far from what the practical one because it needs time, of the precious one to elixir of the material reality. The practical one is analogical and the thought is digital. In the reality of the thought the time does not exist. Not for another reason, the old saying ' ' it makes what I say and I do not make what fao' ' it never loses its the acute present time. It will be that of this skill we will arrive there? The great transformations had always fit to the minorities. In century nineteen, liberal luteranos had searched the truth on the myth Jesus Christ. The result of its studies and conclusions was sultry for the Christian majority. Until today, any attempt of clarification of the subject is considered serious moral infraction.

The faith does not need the lie, for more candy that it is. The lie consterna. Although this, had invented in the past a history that, as if they esteem, 2,2 billion people believe. The current universe of, more or less, 7 billion people, 1,8 billion believe one another one and 3 billion still resist both. At least, the hope of that the forecast of a confrontation in this century enters the two heleno-Jewish cultures not if consummates to the extremity is in these 3 billion. These religious cultures are as comunicantes vases, emptying one, if it empties to another one. The argument of that more intelectualizados than if had become attached the Christian faith, but not they are unaware of its same historical reality they even hide and it of itself, it is that the billions of believers must be preserved and would not be ethical exp them it so great suffering. Eticamente questioning: what it preserves the people of the suffering is the truth or is the lie? Here we deal with the general rule, not of accidental exceptions.

Commercial Technician

The Census of 2008 (IBGE) presents given relative to the Health of the City of Parnamirim consisting 9 establishments for attendance to greets of the family, with 32 stream beds and 30 employee involved right-handers with the services of health in the urban and agricultural zone. The Health in this management shows as one of the priorities, being in third place in action terms and programs of assistance, in view of that it still exists the necesssidade of Implantation of a Hospital and Maternity with all the specialties to take care of to the city, preventing the displacement for Salgueiro or Ouricuri. Currently, Parnamirim possesss 07 Units of Health of the Family and some with extensions better to attend to its population in its area of abrangncia, also counting the Mixing unit Raymond de S Barreto Cabral, located to the Street Dr. Possbio, SN, in the Quarter of the Bomb. The other Units of Health of the Family are: PSF CENTER: Bomb PSF. COHAB: Cohab PSF. ADOBE: Adobe PSF. ICAIARA: Icaiara PSF.

ALLIGATOR: Alligator PSF. MATIAS: Matias PSF. THEY ARE DOMINGOS: They are Domingos. The Secretariat of Administration and Finances of the City hall of Parnamirim is under the responsibility of the Engineer Agronomist, Modest Givaldo Moreira, formed for the Agricultural Federal University of Pernambuco, in the city of Recife? FOOT, which was employee of the Bank of Brazil for twenty and three years, having experience in the administrative, countable and grafoscpica area. The Secretariat of the Agricultural Development of Parnamirim has to the front Alaian Rmulo, formed in Technician in Farming with qualification in Agriculture for the technological Center. Currently attending a course Agronomy. It possesss professional experience in the VALEXPORT (commercialization of fruits), Petrolina – FOOT. ; Agricultural route (Representative Commercial Technician), Petrolina? FOOT; Strong land (Commercial Technician), Petrolina? FOOT; Juagro (Commercial Technician), Petrolina? FOOT; Ovinos and Caprinos creator, Parnamirim? FOOT; Watermelon producer, Parnamirim – FOOT.

Parnamirim also counts on an extension of the UFRPE that, beyond carrying through programs of qualification with agriculturists of the region, also is carried through projects of incentive to the zootecnia, over all in the area of the poultry keeping, to contribute in the improvement of the standard of living of the man sertanejo. The Station of Irrigated, located Agriculture in the City of Parnamirim, Hinterland Central office of Pernambuco, has as objective to stimulate the introduction of activities as the fruticultura and the beekeeping in the region, contributing for the improvement of the performance of the existing activities already. The Station counts on an adequate infrastructure to the accomplishment of activities of education, searches and extension, related to the irrigation and criatrio of small animals. This station is situated to the Aristano Avenue Blacksmith Rasp, s/n – Parnamirim – FOOT, whose Coordinator is Eurico Lustosa of the Birth Alencar, in an area of 59,9 hectares with access for BR-232 and BR-316.