The Census of 2008 (IBGE) presents given relative to the Health of the City of Parnamirim consisting 9 establishments for attendance to greets of the family, with 32 stream beds and 30 employee involved right-handers with the services of health in the urban and agricultural zone. The Health in this management shows as one of the priorities, being in third place in action terms and programs of assistance, in view of that it still exists the necesssidade of Implantation of a Hospital and Maternity with all the specialties to take care of to the city, preventing the displacement for Salgueiro or Ouricuri. Currently, Parnamirim possesss 07 Units of Health of the Family and some with extensions better to attend to its population in its area of abrangncia, also counting the Mixing unit Raymond de S Barreto Cabral, located to the Street Dr. Possbio, SN, in the Quarter of the Bomb. The other Units of Health of the Family are: PSF CENTER: Bomb PSF. COHAB: Cohab PSF. ADOBE: Adobe PSF. ICAIARA: Icaiara PSF.
ALLIGATOR: Alligator PSF. MATIAS: Matias PSF. THEY ARE DOMINGOS: They are Domingos. The Secretariat of Administration and Finances of the City hall of Parnamirim is under the responsibility of the Engineer Agronomist, Modest Givaldo Moreira, formed for the Agricultural Federal University of Pernambuco, in the city of Recife? FOOT, which was employee of the Bank of Brazil for twenty and three years, having experience in the administrative, countable and grafoscpica area. The Secretariat of the Agricultural Development of Parnamirim has to the front Alaian Rmulo, formed in Technician in Farming with qualification in Agriculture for the technological Center. Currently attending a course Agronomy. It possesss professional experience in the VALEXPORT (commercialization of fruits), Petrolina – FOOT. ; Agricultural route (Representative Commercial Technician), Petrolina? FOOT; Strong land (Commercial Technician), Petrolina? FOOT; Juagro (Commercial Technician), Petrolina? FOOT; Ovinos and Caprinos creator, Parnamirim? FOOT; Watermelon producer, Parnamirim – FOOT.
Parnamirim also counts on an extension of the UFRPE that, beyond carrying through programs of qualification with agriculturists of the region, also is carried through projects of incentive to the zootecnia, over all in the area of the poultry keeping, to contribute in the improvement of the standard of living of the man sertanejo. The Station of Irrigated, located Agriculture in the City of Parnamirim, Hinterland Central office of Pernambuco, has as objective to stimulate the introduction of activities as the fruticultura and the beekeeping in the region, contributing for the improvement of the performance of the existing activities already. The Station counts on an adequate infrastructure to the accomplishment of activities of education, searches and extension, related to the irrigation and criatrio of small animals. This station is situated to the Aristano Avenue Blacksmith Rasp, s/n – Parnamirim – FOOT, whose Coordinator is Eurico Lustosa of the Birth Alencar, in an area of 59,9 hectares with access for BR-232 and BR-316.