Local History Museum located in Anapa indoor spa gymnasium teachers , which was built in 1909, the museum will tell you about the nature and the inhabitants of the land and sea in the vicinity of Anapa, Anapa to know the history from 17 to 20 cc. The museum is set exhibitions. In particular, a large popular exhibition of viticulture and winemaking Anapa. The city remained, in my view, an unusual monument. This – "Russian Gates" – a monument of Ottoman military architecture of 18 century.
Above the gate you see a mounted plate with the inscription "Russian Gates 1854. On the supporting wall of another plate, "the gates of Turkish remnants of the fortress built in 1783, named in honor of the Russian 25-th anniversary of liberation from Anapa Turkish rule in 1828. For three centuries napskoy land does not seem to Turkey or a strategic or economic interest. The situation changed in the 80 years the 18 th century, when the struggle between Turkey and Russia, to the last depart Crimea and Kuban Right Bank. And in Turkey it is necessary to gain a foothold on the coast near the Caucasus Mountains. With this purpose, as directed by the Sultan Abdul Hamid, and it was decided to build a fortress on napskoy earth. In 1783, The fortress was built. Strengthen it consisted of 7 bastions, connected by a curtain, and three gates. The fortress itself to this day has not been preserved, so we can only imagine how she looked.