Standard Definition

Proceed as in the case of the 2D-animation. But usually come simpler or shoot 25p (progressive scan cameras are far more common than 50p), or treated with interlaced video filters 'de-interlace', which, however, reduces vertical sharpness twice. Transfer video: video compression algorithms are very sensitive to a large number of small elements in the image and the horizontal notch edges of moving objects have a thickness of just one line. The screen is filled with small leaves, waving in the wind – a nightmare for mpeg. Approx. Auth. Frame format.

Or aspect ratio – for the plasma is 9h16. When viewing a TV broadcast, 3×4 format, the edges are there black bars. Due to a phenomenon known to time as a CRT phosphor degradation, it does not always go unnoticed. Especially in the first-generation model. Phosphor in these areas remained more 'fresh' in long-term view images 3×4. If you then turn on widescreen image, you may have noticed a higher brightness at the edges of the image. Must either stretch the image horizontally, or cut the band above and below.

In some models, you can change the color unused areas when viewing 3×4 format from black to gray. Advertising tricks. The brightness of the panel. First, it is lower than the brightness of the TV – in the finished product before the panel is a light filter. Secondly, the brightness point, in order to protect the panels, decreases with increasing background area. A single point of light is brighter when she lit one (or in a small area) and a somewhat less bright, white lights if the entire panel. Contrast. Its value depends on how brightly lit room, in short there is a panel. Contrast in a completely dark room and a brightly lit can vary by tens of times. How can that be? Carefully viewed in the store model of interest – because we ultimately are interested in image quality, but not the values of technical parameters. Beaten and unmanaged pixels on the 'plasma' is not allowed, what would we have spoken to shop. Drops of tar. Plasma TVs consume considerably more energy than LCD, as a result of which model is seldom complete without cooling fans. In the store or even at home during the day extra sounds at first and can not notice and then wonder when you watch a movie late at night. Someone did not notice a little boom, and someone annoys even subtle sound flowing air heaters. 'Burnout' phosphor. In recent models TV is not so important as in the first place, the life of the panel is 60,000 hours or more (while the brightness of the phosphor will not go down twice from the original). Nevertheless, there remains the problem of uneven brightness reduction across the screen. Manufacturers are struggling with this in different ways, however, it is difficult to recommend a plasma to display static images. The budget model should pay attention to the graininess – should carefully examine the picture on the screen at this distance, with which you want to watch TV at home. If the grain from this distance is too obvious, it is best to choose a smaller diagonal, or TV higher class – for example, HD-Ready model. The advantages of plasma televisions, of course, more than disadvantages. When choosing the right long it will please the consumer with its bright, juicy picture. * Standard Definition TV (Standard Definition) – 720×576 or 720×480 and higher, 'extended' (Extended Definition) – 853h480.

Microsoft Netherlands

Among the best operating systems that has made Microsoft is Windows 7 after the fatal error of Vista. Time ago that said that the company founded by Bill Gates intended to shorten the time between the release of an operating system and its next version, the latest information that have emerged are in that regard. Some time ago there were rumors indicating that Windows 8 could launch in 2012 and now a dismissal of Microsoft Netherlands might have ratified these rumors. The Dutch subsidiary of the Redmond company has added information about the next desktop operating system of the company at the foot of a press release, which indicates that Microsoft is working on the new version of Windows which would see the light in two years. A few months ago I commented something new that was going to bring the new version of Windows, one of the novelties that as I talk about is being fairly commented now since Apple has presented it for its next version of its operating system, it is none other than an app store.

Windows Store is one of the little information we have about Windows 8 along with the facial recognition or improvement of performance. Insurance shortly begin to get more news if the release date is in 2012. From my point of view that is between two and three years between the release of versions of an operating system seems a good term, in line with the advancement of technology in general and software in particular. For these reasons and the previously discussed, it seems to me that we will have new Windows version in 2012. Despite having achieved that people would believe in your operating system logo, Microsoft wants to radically change Windows. They were the statements of the Chief of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, the next release of Windows will be the most risky bet for Microsoft in the near future. That statement in itself is risky. Microsoft last long and has invested heavily in W7 to regain the faith of his followers, which was the catastrophe of Vista oligopoly. The success which has had W7 is one signal that Redmond is going in the right direction, then it should be the question: why would risky Windows 8? The only answer is that the next version of Windows will be different to that used today in day, but not just a little bit different. So Ballmer qualify it as more risky that the company is doing, you have to try something radically different in one way or another of the experience which has already provided the company with their versions of Windows.