The Employees

On the other hand, the responsible people for the RH need to line up it organization in terms of its objectives, its mission, vision and processes, only thus, will have conditions to consider benefits and system of strategical remuneration. Already he is proven that the remuneration is the connector link between the employees and the organization. The company who decides for the implantation of a system of transparent remuneration and that she involves all the employees of all the hierarchic levels, cause a phenomenon of positive reaction, that one into which the speed of the objectives if transforms into reality through an accelerating motivation of the processes. This reaction is only reached when the people if feel recognized for its mritos and not for disloyal protectionism. In accordance with that the remuneration system, lines up the strategies of the company, is multiplied and if the interests of both are harmonized the sides, helping to generate the waited results. The balance between the strategical remuneration and people, will only be reached when its payment if to give of real form, remunerating the people in accordance with its results. In recent years, diverse models of strategical remuneration had been introduced in the companies with the purpose of if finding forms in accordance with creative the necessities of each organization. All the models with the intention to create a bond between the employees and the organization.

It is important that the system of strategical remuneration is related with the changes that the organization is passing so that it has a preparation for the new times. The lack of preparation for the future can compromise all as well as the organization the stability of the employees. The implantation of a system of necessary strategical remuneration to take in accounts the diverse abilities, external interns and, if not forgetting them pressures it market in general, what it implies in competitiveness, reorganization, downsizing, merger and acquisitions.