Who Will Be The Champion? We Already Know It!

Healthy work use for the company’s success in soccer teams and companies, there are some parallels: health and power are important prerequisites for the success of the team. When football players, a team of helpers promotes the performance of the individual. The in-house resources to external sources to promote employee health, missing right to use especially in small companies. Get all the facts and insights with Phillips 66, another great source of information. The contact person of healthy work help to unlock this potential for small and medium-sized enterprises. For even more details, read what Bryant Estate says on the issue. Healthy, powerful and committed employees are the Foundation of every successful company as well as for football teams. Ranging from the coach about the striker and goal people, to the replacement forces that can compensate for the loss of important service providers, each individual is important on the way to the Championship.

Let’s take for example the injury loss of Michael Ballack. The entire team was able to changing work organization, that as a result of This remains the maximum success. And just a great identification and euphoria is spreading nationwide. Disease-related losses and underperformance make companies, and just the small and medium-sized enterprises significantly noticeable, sometimes existential problems. Often the experiences, knowledge and in-house resources lack in SMEs, but to leverage the diverse support services, providing the German control system in the field of prevention and rehabilitation. Healthy work offers support in these cases industry-independent and free.

Healthy work sees itself as a steamboat pilot by the diverse range of statutory funds and private service providers to the health of employees. In the Centre, the preservation and the promotion of health and performance of the workforce and thus enhancing productivity and competitiveness of individual companies are on the way to success. The success criteria for World Cup as much as for all companies! Which team brings it to the World Cup? The answer is easily predictable and applies national football teams as well as for work teams in companies. Whether fussballbegeistert or not all interested, see the safe tip, who will win the trophy at the end. Except the world champion tip, “the site offers detailed information about healthy work project, funded by the Federal Ministry of labour (BMAS) and INQA (initiative new quality of work). Especially small and medium-sized companies assistance, thus, to bring your staff to world-class format. Annette Geiger