In his blog he describes his experiences and complain about the world what actually in a dog so happens when he experienced the daily chaos in his family? Cameron Balto SIRIUS called lupus, easy Balto, world, which can be accessed now at baltos told in his new blog Baltos. Balto portrays daily but also about what he does so and what is prohibited to him. To know more about this subject visit the futurist. Set up have the blog of the PR Adviser Volker Vogel and the journalist and Bildjournalistin Brigitte Sommer. Balto, a Marxdorfer Wolf dog, is just eight months old, a real “toddler”, with all sorts of stupid in the head. Balto in his new blog: “My Mistress and my master got me as a little baby. ssion. Because I could not write but still. Now BBs but here we go! And how it go’s! Balto constantly blocked the Mac by Mistress and the PC owner.
Who follows the blog, which feels that it makes Balto of fun to explain all his dog world out there on the net, and his opinion to very many Things to do. How to get right on it, to publish a blog, in which the dog writes much? Volker Vogel: “Balto is one that has nonsense in my head constantly and ever not love alone is a very special dog. And because what we are seeing with him, is also pretty funny, we have him first in “who-knows – whom” a page created and disseminated “his” thoughts into short messages. The response was so great that we have now opened a personal blog for him. And there he writes now about everything that moves him. For example about fragrances: “My Mistress sprays sometimes are with an ekeligen stuff. She thinks but it would smell good and calls it “au de toilet”. When dogs go yesterday I wanted to see mistress what smells really great and will cost nothing.