Venezuela Cuba

The mining agreement is for the development of mining and Metallurgy in deposits of gold, copper, zinc, chrome and lime production, and it was signed between the Ministry of the power popular for basic industries and mining of Venezuela and the Ministry of basic industry of the Republic of Cuba. Also be initialled agreements for the production of food, the development of industrial projects, as well as for local development.In 2008 signed a memorandum of understanding for the creation of Socialist of joint capital Guardian of the Alba S.A., which will manufacture computer programs to safeguard the technological sovereignty and most recent was in December 2008 after the culmination of the Cuba Venezuela Mixed Commission IX, made, both Governments signed a final act to record the results achieved by the 24 artboardswhich agreed on a programme of general collaboration for the year 2009 which includes 137 development projects and 36 new projects, whose amount amounts to more than two billion dollars, also signed the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of energy and petroleum of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Ministry of industry Basic of the Republic of Cuba, on the establishment of the mixed Holding Cuvepetrol S.A. company, the purpose of this mechanism is the creation of a holding company that will take in charge the development of joint ventures for the system of petroleum refining and LNG in Cuba. Equally, it contemplates the refinery expansion brothers Diaz of 22 thousand barrels per day to 50 thousand, to manufacture products of high value; as well as the design and construction of a regasification plant for liquefied natural gas, pipelines and other facilities for the use of this fuel.Debilidades1.-the conventions have a high political ingredient e. ideologico.2-conventions which consist in building infrastructure investment in whole or in large part should be covered by our country since Cuba has few resources economicos.3-created funds most of the money comes from Venezuela.4.-There is little or no participation of entrepreneurship venezolano.5.-most of the conventions and/or agreements favor. to Cuba.6-the way as Cuba Venezuela pays is with the form of barter, and do not know how he is set the value of the service provided by Cuba to our country.Opportunities.-the geographic location that has Cuba, allowing easy access to the countries Centroamerica.fortalezas – exploit advances and acquire the knowledge which has Cuba in the areas of sport and health.Amenazas1.-the conventions which include development in the island of Cuba may be not carried out or delay by the lack of this pais.2 technology.-Cuba does not have the economic strength to carry some strands of the proyectos.3.-Cuba has little development industrial.4.-the absence of private capital for the development of the convenios.5.-how the Cuban regime is viewed by most of the paises.6.-the little economic relationship which has Cuba with other paises.7-Cuba does not have a variety of products to offer to the convenios.8.-in the event you change some of the Presidents of both countries there is a high probability that the majority of agreements are cancelled.

Diesel Engine

History of the diesel engine comes with the invention of the gasoline engine. In 1876 this engine was invented and registered by Nikolaus August Otto. This product has been used four-way internal combustion. Today, this type of engine used in the manufacture of most vehicles. Rudolf Diesel Mechanics graduated the Polytechnic University in 1878 in Europe.

At the Polytechnic University Rudolph, among others, became acquainted with the structure of the steam and gasoline engines. After a while, the inventor set himself the idea to create a more efficient type of device. A significant portion of free time a scientist gave the establishment and expansion of the project, which then received the name "diesel engine". In 1892, the plan was finally completed. From the middle of last century, the demand from car manufacturers internal combustion engine inexorably grows, it is used in the manufacture of cars and trucks. All the largest manufacturers of cars and trucks in our time to market by supplying At least one piece of a car with this engine. In today's world, diesel engine quite in demand in today's machines.

Studies in recent years have provided engines operating properties that significantly exceed the performance characteristics of gasoline engines. Among other things, the design features of diesel engines require a sufficient scrutiny. Repair Engines produced with the use of certified parts. For example, for bulldozers and tractors used parts t170. When repair work is taken into account the level and sources of strain that cause these problem. For a long time quality parts for diesel engines on the market offers Agrotehsnab. To date, the overall percentage of cars with this engine far increase in the average number of car park. Compared to the diesel internal combustion engine differs in a number of advantages. Such as: high power, moderate fuel consumption, low noise level and availability of fuel today's models diesel engines. Due to its advantages of such an engine is widely popular in today's engineering. To date, the products of various brands, such as starter article 722, are widely used in automotive industry. Most of the SUVs and minivans sold in the Korean-made market, equipped with these engines. This can be explained by the advantages provided by a diesel engine: a high enough Efficiency, high-spending power as a consequence of high torque and lower fuel consumption compared to other brands. It is known that such a device the engine is substantially different from construction of a gasoline engine. Determine malfunction and repair the diesel engine of sufficient quality is possible only in the presence of skilled craftsmen and a special diagnostic installation. Most often, serious problems with this engine come with fuel pump. For this reason it is often necessary diagnostic or repair pump.

Edinburgh Scotland United Kingdom

HUDSON, NY (Marketwire February 3, 2010) Taconic announces today the establishment of a centre specialising in breeding of rodents in Edinburgh. This facility will be used for the development and production of more technologically advanced models available for today’s scientists, at the time that will generate new jobs at the local level. The site is part of the first stage of a strategy of Taconic aimed to establish a strong presence in Scotland. Since 2005, TaconicArtemis GmbH, a subsidiary of Taconic headquartered in Germany, has been working with its Scottish partner CXR Biosciences Ltd (Dundee, Scotland) in the production of innovative, commercially viable, models that are more predictive of effects pharmacokinetic and toxicological drug candidate compounds and their metabolites in the human body. This work has the support of intermediate technology Institute, dedicated to the life sciences (ITI Life Sciences), part of a flagship programme created by Scottish Enterprise for that Scotland can convert their research in world-class commercial successes in life sciences. Based on the success of the program, TaconicArtemis and CXR Biosciences have signed three commercial licenses with ITI Life Sciences that allows them to the joint marketing of a series of models and evaluation services of drugs developed with these new technologies. More than 40 genetically modified strains generated in this program are now included in the program transADMET of companies. Current preclinical models typically do not serve as a good factor of prediction of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and Toxicology (ADMET) in humans. This inability to translate results in animals to humans is generated by deep differences between species in the levels and functions of proteins involved in ADMET, and is one of the main reasons for the failure of development in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The transADMET program provides a better means preclinical to predict the ADMET response in the human being.

Pablo Robert

With the use of a language more technique in the confection of the maps, the same ones had passed not to be of easy interpretation for that they are not technician in the area, thus the maps could until being seen for the population, but they would not be passiveis of easy interpretation. From this change the cartography, to many, passed to be considered geographic science next to accurate sciences, therefore it started to use some mathematical resources in the maps and letters. Later to this renewal in the question of the technique, the cartography passed for an ideological renewal and philosophical, this movement of renewal treats regarding the pragmatic question and of the question it criticizes of the cartography. One of the main objectives of this movement of renewal of the cartography is the idea in addition of that the only maps that have importance are the maps technician, a map cannot be considered more important that the other only for the fact to have been confectioned in artisan way and the other to have counted with the aid of information technologies. The cartography if becomes geographic from the moment where it is not only worried about the representation of the physical space, but also with the relation that the man keeps with that space and that the space keeps with the man. The geographic cartography becomes one of the tteis links between geography technique and geography human being, promoting a possibility of study of the relation of the environment with the activity human being. Contemporarily the cartography is divided in cartography technique and cartography politics, being that the union of these two cartografias of the origin the geographic cartography that also treats beyond the area represented in the maps of the relation enter the population and these areas, mainly in the demographic question and cultural politics and, as demographic density, territorial borders and politics, landmark of aboriginal reserves according to its historical and cultural territories, landmarks of areas of permanent protection, beyond the military importance in the landmark of conflict areas.

Currently the maps and letters are important instruments for the work of the gegrafos and several other professionals. The products of the cartography, letters and maps, are if becoming each time more digital with the polarization and the development each more advanced time of the SIGs (systems of geographic information). We believe that the development of the systems of creation of digital maps has represented a very great advance for the cartography mainly in what it says respect the easinesses that the same brought to the field of the creation of topographical letters and thematic maps. Bibliography ANGELS, Rafael Sanzio Arajo of. Cartography & Education.

Brasilia, DF: Maps Publishing company & Consultoria, 2008. LOCH, Ruth Emilia Walnut. Cartography: representation, communication and visualization of space data. 2. ed. rev. Florianpolis, SC: Ed. of UFSC, 2008. FITZ, Pablo Robert. Basic cartography. New ed. So Paulo: Workshop of Texts, 2008. ALMEIDA, Rosngela (Org.). Pertaining to school cartography. So Paulo: Context, 2007.

Urban Residents

Cottage building rapidly. Only six months ago, cleared area is now virtually built up by new, neat houses, country buildings and wooden houses made of logs and some are already living the happy settlers. Literally on the run, in parallel with the erection of cottages, develop infrastructure – supply of communications, asphalted roads, build shops, school, kindergarten. Future residents are not interested in rural life in the usual sense of the word. Accustomed to comfort, they want to live in comfort and in the cottage. Consistent trend of the times construction companies are doing everything to satisfy all customer requests.

Cottage community today – it's a town with developed infrastructure where there is everything from a centralized sewage system to the Internet. Modern man can not do without the amenities, but it to anything today, when the existing building technologies can completely provide comfort at no additional cost. Usually a place for cottage building is chosen a picturesque area in the immediate proximity to a major city. Distance from the city, in this case is crucial, because most people in the cottage settlement work in the city, in the case of a great distance from him will be forced to spend a lot of time on the road. Correlative distance from the city grows and the price of food in local stores, and fees of invited experts, and quality.

Therefore, the distance from the city is of great importance in choice of cottage village. Unsuited, located at random, at home do not look very aesthetically pleasing, whether every single house at least a piece of art. Together, these disparate and diverse, do not produce impressions. While the street, consisting of typical cottages, made in common style, looks neat, stylish and very effective (this is usually done by some design project). To create the proper aesthetic perception cottages do not have to resemble each other as twins. They should only have a common style and located in a uniform way. Classic green lawn in front of the house – a distinctive feature of the former cottage citizen. The gardens are gradually go into oblivion, giving way to sleek sophistication and well-groomed pretentiousness. Construction of houses and repair of turnkey any premises, apartments, offices.

Food Policy

Carlos Mora Vanegas hunger increases in many countries with limited resources, yet anchored in its development, requiring part of the Governments most dynamic programs, real that will help achieve a food policy that will guarantee supply, satisfaction of basic needs is drawn, that in some countries Governments because they are turning to rural organizations to work with them in the reformulation of its agricultural policies. Others are beginning to question the argument key of promoting greater freedom of trade. ecoportal.NET on the subject provides us with, that it is necessary to radically change the food policy and in addition, adds that for several months, a real storm by the rise in the cost of food worldwide, has fallen to families, Governments and media. The price of wheat rose 130% in the last year. The rice doubled in Asia, only in the last three months, at the time that reached record increases in the market of Chicago futures makes barely a week. The increased spiral of the cost of edible oil, fruits and vegetables, not to mention dairy products and meat, has caused a decrease in the consumption of the same during almost all the year 2007. From Haiti to Cameroon, passing through Bangladesh, people has been launched into the streets by the rage of not already buying food. There are world leaders calling for more food aid for fear of a political turmoil, as well as more funds and technology to increase agricultural production.

Meanwhile, grain-exporting countries closed their borders to protect their internal markets, while others are forced to buy the panic to the shortage. Prices rise? No. did food shortages? Neither. We find ourselves in the midst of a structural collapse, a direct result of three decades of neoliberal globalization. The agricultural sector had worldwide a production record of 2.3 billion tons of grain in 2007, one 4% increase over the previous year.

International Forum

International Forum of Universal design in Malaga on 17 and 18 February, the trade fair and Congress Center of Malaga will host the International Forum of Universal design, an activity that in its second edition will bring together professionals from across Spain, from the public and private spheres, to the latest news of the sector. The organizer of the event poses the following objectives:-provide new solutions, committed to boosting training, innovation and collaboration to implement universal design in all areas. Get the representation and participation of all sectors related to dependence and mobility. The thematic areas to be addressed will be, among others, technology service’s communication, transport and mobility, the design of cities and the design in the service of the user. The event will feature an exhibition area, with free design stands and modular, a Networking area, a zone of presentation of projects and solutions innovation for everyone, a space of experiences in which public administrations have their good practices and the parallel holding of the 2 th International Congress which brings together over 600 delegates. Your accommodation to attend this Congress can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category 4 stars superior, our Hotel Monte Malaga, which for this occasion offers rooms to attendees to this meeting. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 87 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be indispensable to present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to their attendance at the Congress/event/meeting.

Bjork Explores

Icelandic singer joins in his Biophilica album music inspired by nature with the own of the smartphone applications. Already listen to their first single, Crystalline. Where are the music, nature and technology? Can be intensified the chords on a keyboard with a mathematical and rigorous app? The singer Bjork islandese responds to this question in his latest album, Biophilica, a multimedia project combining music, applications for smartphone, Internet, art installations and live concerts. While the disc will not be released until September 20, the artist has provided some details of this: on the one hand, it’s a hymn to nature and explore the infinite universe in constant expansion, from the solar system to the molecular structure. On the other hand, it is a technological experiment that includes advanced multimedia applications. As shown, and you can hear the first single from this work, Crystalline, which can be heard here. In addition, Bjork plans already to some concerts to interpret the new songs live and in which will feature instruments especially designed and built for this purpose. As, for example, a pipe organ made to measure and controlled digitally. Or a pendulum of a 30 feet that takes advantage of the Earth’s gravity to create sound patterns. Bjork already surprised by touching the reactable, an instrument created in the PompeuFabra University of Barcelona which has come to mobile devices. Source of the news: Bjork explores the possibilities of the apps on your new drive


It is already a reality, Chinese mobile phones market moves by leaps and and are becoming more users who are willing to break the traditional scheme of a team of brand to enjoy all the advantages of a double cell phone Chip. Is that really the advantages of phones cell DobleChip are multiple on a cell phone brand type Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, LG, who then move on to detail: 1.-come with double Chip, allowing you to save costs on calls between the same operator. 2 Saves space when transporting them, because he no longer has to carry two mobile phones but an only cell phone and carry their two lines on a single computer. 3 They let you capture channels of local Television and UFH in the city where you are. 4 Come unlocked from factory, thus allowing its quick of the chip or simm installation and not to rely on any providers of telecommunications for its activation. Also are quad-band, namely that they work around the world. 5. Your screen is touch type Iphone, what that allows greater interactivity between the user with cell phone Multimedia applications.

6. The vast majority of these phones cell phones double Chip are manufactured in the same factories that they produce brand teams: Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, LG, among others. 7 Come with dual battery, headphones, USB charger and cable connector to the computer, in addition to its manual. The team management is easy and the interaccioncon team Multimedia functions are very good. Today has already broken the old paradigm that every Chinese product is bad. To my I had to travel to China and learn about the different factories and really the Chinese carry an amazing advantage over West in subject of production. Usually those in charge of the creation and design of technology are the Japanese and Taiwanese and Chinese are in charge of Assembly and mass production for sale to the world. That is why today in day referred to China as the factory of the world. In addition to cell phones Dual Chip, smart also phones market is increasing.

Food Science

Deals with the study of food and nutritional issues in relation to production, handling production, distribution, marketing, as well as nutritional matter production and its relationship to health. This concept also refers to the systematization of knowledge about the chemical composition, nature and the preservation of foodstuffs. The science and technology of food places emphasis on this topic to the hours create new products and to control the production of food for high consumption and thus be able to avoid the ingestion of food contaminated with toxic elements (arsenic, mercury, lead). Also serves as the food science and seutiliza to control the nutritional value of staple foods and for the detection of the high water content in the non-nutrient substances. Basically this concept refers to a food technology for better nutrition within the perceptions of pre slubridad established by a regular control. In this field of technology of food laying two theoretical branches, the antropobromatologia which clearly refers to analysis and study of the foods consumed by humans, and the zoobromatologia which is responsible for studying and analyzing the foods from domestic animal species which engineering and food technology is responsible for designing its food.

These two fields of study also worry about setting the nutritional food and as they act within regulated for optimal food diets. Within these aspects the bromatology is responsible for doing a study xahustivo of the chemical composition of foods, their nutritional value, their State of hygiene and sanitation and possible toxicity that they can come to contain in their structural composition. Any reference to a food concept is located within this branch of study, here is truly known as optimal is a food for human or animal consumption. Whether they are organic or artificial production food the food science is essential to produce healthy food and that they constitute an ideal food for human and animal base.