The Importance of the Games in the Mathematical Learning of the 6 Children of 4 AnosA relation between the game and the mathematics, possesss attention of vriosautores, and consists in a significant boarding, mainly infantile naeducao, therefore, it is in this period that the children to devemencontrar the space to explore and to discover elements of the quea reality it surrounds. The child must have chance to live deeply edesafiadoras rich situations, which are proportionate for the use of jogoscomo pedagogical resource. In accordance with Schwartz (1966) the notion of game applied to was educaodesenvolveu vagarosamente and penetrated, delayed, in mbitoescolar, being systemize with delay. However, it brought transformaessignificativas, making with that the learning if became amused. The quarrel on the importance of the games in the education of the Mathematics, vemsendo debated has some time. Being sufficiently questioned the fact dacriana really to learn Mathematics playing and the intervention doprofessor. Therefore, when opting to working the mathematics for half dosjogos, the professor must take in account the importance of the definition doscontedos and the abilities gifts in the tricks and planejamentode its action with the objective of the game if not become a mere leisure.
The mathematics becomes present in diverse carried through activities pelascrianas, offers the men in general, varies situations quepossibilitam the development of the logical reasoning, of the creativity ea capacity to decide problems. The education of this disciplines to podepotencializar these capacities, being extended the possibilities of alunosde to understand and to transform the reality. Amongst the many objectives of the education of Mathematics, deensinar meets to decide problems, and the situations of games represent umaboa situation-problem, in the measure where the professor knows to consider boasquestes to the pupils, being potencializando its capacities for compreendere to explain the facts and concepts of Matemtica.Segundo BOAVIDA, (1992) the main objectivo of the education is to teach osmais new to think and the resolution of problems constitutes arteprtica that all the pupils can learn. Miguel de Guzmn (1986) values the use of the games for ensinoda mathematical, over all because the games not only amuse, but, also extracts of the activities, materials enough for gerarconhecimento, to interest and to make with that the students think with certamotivao. In accordance with Borin, (1996) one of the reasons for the introduction of jogosnas mathematics lessons is the possibility to diminish bloqueiosapresentados for the pupils. Thus being the education of the mathematics in the infantile education advance of the knowledge of the children must priorizaro, before situations significativasde learning being that education by means of the games must happen deformed to assist it in the education of the content, being propitiated the acquisition dehabilidades and the operatrio development of criana.RefernciasAGUIAR, J.S.
Games for the education of concepts: Reading and Writing in the daily pay-school. Papirus Publishing company, 1999BRASIL. 1998. Ministry of Education and of the Sport. Secretariat Basic deEducao. National curricular Referencial for the educaoinfantil. Braslia.