
All this technology had but a economic recital that of social identification, but as no process if develops separately in the social processes, was in this scene that the capitalism could develop and influence the too much processes – ‘ ‘ This bio-power, without the lesser doubt, was indispensable element to the development of the capitalism, that only could be guaranteed to the cost of the controlled insertion of the bodies in the device of production and by means of an adjustment of the phenomena of population to the processes econmicos.’ ‘? . In cerne of the Kantiana philosophy analyzed for Foucault the concept exists that separates the sign of its meaning, circulates breaking it of production of truth in the medieval thought. However such phenomenon displayed in clearer way for the occidental societies the problems related to the proposal. Such concepts in allow to a bigger understanding of the linguistic phenomenon occurrence them between centuries XVI and XVIII.

It are not only the language that move, but the proper man, its form to see the world and of individualizar itself. This last aspect is the target of the critical gift. Inside of a binary system of language, the man not individualiza more from itself, but of others. Its subjective constitution is only possible from the subjective constitution of outrem. The man from now on is condemned to the world of the subjectivity. In the binary structure therefore he has a displacement of the constituent center of the man, for ‘ ‘ outro’ ‘.

The man alone individualiza from the individualizao of the other. All effort is invested in the individualizao of the other. What Foucault established as technology of the truth and strategy of the truth/to be able nothing more passes to the being of what a necessity of individualizao of the proper man, as much as to be individual how much social.


Success accordingly well seems a subjective conception which by grace should be socially recognised. Go wrong. I would say that here well worth the praise in own mouth saying is written. Success is not a subjective perception, on the contrary, is a recognition of the objective world, runs from below upwards and not vice versa. Society is who granted it and usually collective consciousness is that qualifies with success who has achieved success in certain branches of human activity.

Few rulers not We’ve had that they have lacked success, few rich swarm today in vans of luxury lacking success, few politicians they roam and depart in portrayed in local or national newspapers and lack sufficient success to warrant a public order; and so by the style. This aphorism has to do with public perception and the moral quality of who holds power. The classics of political science have said throughout history to achieve social progress and consequently the healthy development of the State is indispensable that this is governed by capable people. This is a challenge that is still not satisfied and do not comply with it in an infinite number of times citizens we have paid well expensive consequences who more that people pay the consequences of public posts to a caste of clumsy and useless? Let me cite to f. Bacon, who settled in respect to what was said,: there is no thing that does more damage to a nation as that clever people pass through intelligent policy is art by the that is unique about this aphorism reminds me of an old argument to the sine of the graduate program in law at the University. The discussion focused on that if politics was art or not. Most ran in that it wasn’t him, holding the point of view of politics and politically focused on facts and not on their representations.

Diaz Bordenave

Other legislaes also regulate the EAD: Decree n. 2,404, of 10 of February of 1998 regulates article 80 of the LDB in the distance, in 13 articles, defining on education; conferring norms for certification, school registration, transference and exploitation of credits; forms of evaluation and credenciamento of institutions carry through that them; others. Decree n. 2,561, of 27 of April of 1998 modifies the cited decree previously, in article 11, including the credenciamento for institutions of professional education in technological level e, article 12 extending offers in the distance of courses directed to the professional education of level technician. It would carry n. 301, of 7 of April of 1998, in 12 articles, normatiza the procedures of credenciamento of institutions that want in the distance to offer courses of graduation and technological professional education with the modality.

The EAD allows to greater accessibility, convenience, personalized rhythm, economy of time and cost. Diaz Bordenave (1988), in its study that questions if the long-distance education can help to decide the educational problems of Brazil, presents advantages, disadvantages, perspectives and challenges of this modality of education. How much to the advantages, the author enumerates that the long-distance education can reach a great number of people and groups, exactly that the physical distances and social between the individuals they are enormous; he facilitates to the learning of the people, allowing the use of the available time, without the necessity of if moving of the home or the workstation; adapta it the proper rhythm of learning of each individual, being able to be carried through in groups or individually; it reduces the cost of qualification for student, beyond saving with the personal expenditures (transport, lodging, feeding, etc.) of the pupil; it requires few instruments to elaborate the didactic contents and materials, allowing, thus, the act of contract of the best ones specialists in each area of the knowledge; he serves, for the versatility of the methodology, as much to the formal education how much to the informal one; he uses a infinity of technological resources; he develops the capacity of the autodidatismo, that is, to learn for itself, without the presence of a professor.

Government Liquidation

He added that the social impact that was happening in the Federal Bank is the main concern of the national Government and in particular of President Hugo Chavez, who instructed us to this option which is the partial sale of assets by the liquidation Board and the rest by Fogade. Says, that the liquidation Board will sell assets to cancel to 873 thousand people, the vast majority of the public sector, which had placed money in the Federal by concepts like savings and funds for the payment of social benefits. Adds, which from this group of people, 1,115 million bolivares correspond to workers in the public sector and 92 million who work in the private economy wing. Edgar Hernandez Behrens, who was beside the Minister of finance, said that the liquidation Board will have time to sell assets and cover deposits that are in boxes of savings, benefits and social welfare trust, the rest will go to liquidation by Fogade. Fogade covers depositors with up to 30 thousand bolivares insurance and those who had placed a sum is greater in the Federal must wait for the Fund sells assets to receive and calculate how much can reinstate them.

Once you exit the resolution in the Gazette begins a year Fogade to start the process of preparation of liquidation balance sheet, define assets, availabilities, convert assets to liquid value and pay up to where the assets are met, it is the law, indicates the President of Fogade David Alastre. Jorge Giordani explained that the amount that is not covered by the guarantee of Fogade and that could recover, depending on the value that have assets, amounted to 1,156 million bolivars. By the payment of the guarantee, Fogade is obliged to cancel 2.151 billion bolivares that have already been disbursed mostly. In total there is an equity loss of 4 thousand 884 million bolivares fuertes, pointed out the Finance Minister. The Government assesses the possibility of acquiring the Federal Bank agencies to expand the geographical coverage of the public financial system. It specifically contemplates acquiring 62 agencies, as well as a portion of the loan portfolio. Humberto Ortega, Minister for the public banking sector, indicated that in relation to the sale of portfolios will have a valuation of the same with the intention that involved public and private banking. (The Conclusion on definitive is not yet known when people who keep their money in the Federal Bank will receive the rest of your money, if really will cancel everything what is debited, the important thing is to point out that all this represents health, damage that it causes to those who should not be facing this situation, more when they have relied on a bank that guarantees the receipt of your money and that the State has spoken without assessing what it has represented for many, who have saved all of his money and that when need it do not have this. I of be expected, that the Government take more seriously the manner of intervening banks, considering the economic, psychological effect that it detaches and seriously affects people, the Venezuelan family.

Cutting Stone

Stone can be cut, giving it the necessary shape and size, but better than this avoided, especially for rounded types of stone, as the 'overall aesthetics' in this case will inevitably suffer. If you really needed to cut stone, it is desirable to 'camouflage' cut in pieces, placing them near the floor or somewhere in the corner. The joints between the stones are sealed by special suture core. Among the latter, well established brands seam fillers MAPEI (Italy). Color filler is selected to match the required stone. When need artificial stone cover water-repellent structure that forms on the surface of an invisible film. Such compounds, water repellents are used for both exterior and for interior works, but the problem they are different.

Outer water-repellent agent is used to protect the stone from adverse atmospheric conditions, and provides ease of internal 'wet cleanups. " Therefore, water repellents are different for external and domestic work. How to distinguish a quality stone? You should carefully consider themselves as product samples and documentation for them. Stone surface should be smooth, not porous. The porous surface can evidence of violations of the technology and the low strength of the stone. This is especially important for the exterior – the larger the stone 'holes', the faster it will damage the stone in the cold. Stone tiles edges should be approximately the same thickness – otherwise the stone will look bad on the wall. It is also desirable to look at the cut stone and see – good or cement weight Through Coloured Rustic Candles.

The Means

The citizens possess individual freedoms and autonomy for its choices, therefore if she makes responsible for its success or failure, while these speeches of world without poverty run the reality of life of many, leaves escancarada the misery situation and shows the failure of the capitalist politics. II Soon historical of the Brazilian educational politics. ) Approaching the decade of 50 the 70. escolaridade as process integrator was very spread out in the phase where the new technological processes needed hand of qualified workmanship for its manuscript. These new on technological ways to the education denoted the development. This phase, for the necessity of formation of hand of qualified workmanship for the work, despertou the relation between education and economy. This necessity to characterize workmanship hand was favorable to the work market, for the development that the education propitiated when preparing the workers for the means of production and the new technological processes.

This necessity also became opportune to the State, for the economic contribution of the education, that was had as basic factor for the development goals. In this period, ahead of as many points given as positive on to the education, the pertaining to school systems had been become enlarged of significant form. education came as prerequisite in the attainment of a job, therefore the time subsequent to the second war where the world was in reconstruction, was opportune to have diligent apt will deal it with the new processes and technological innovations. The qualified worked one was certain source of incomes. Of form that to characterize the work force, it was of certain, a considered factor essential. During 50 years e60 aeducao strong was spread as development source. the expansion of the schools came as powerful form of social integration. The variation, in terms, that the education presented in this period, came as contribution for the economic growth in Brazil.

Digital Terrestrial Television

Thus, the size of a video image moves from approximately 800 600 pixels (the current system) to 2,000 x1000 pixels. Full HD is the famous, 1,000 lines of resolution. It should be noted also defined an intermediate system, with a resolution of 1 megapixel. (1400 x 800 pixels, approx.) Are studied, and new resolutions and larger image sizes, up to 4 mega-pixels, but is unlikely to see the light in the domestic market, because to enjoy high-definition is necessary to have adequate equipment. Can we see high definition? To qualify it is necessary to have a TV ready for such decisions. That is, a Full HD TV (capable of displaying on the screen 2-megapixel, or images of 2000 x 1000 pixels), or an HD Ready TV capable of displaying 1 megapixel.

(Recall that the old system is 0.4 mega-pixels, and the more resolution, better image quality) A current problem is that virtually any TV network broadcasts in HD. Only one satellite pay channel does. Therefore, despite having a modern television ready for high definition, we can not see the television broadcasts of the conventional channels in HD, and not issued with that quality. It should also be noted that the implementation of DTT is namely the Digital Terrestrial Television, is not going to broadcast in HD. Simply change the broadcast system, but not the resolution or image size. It will look better because it will be digital (Like a DVD is better than VHS) but it will not be high definition.

Today there is no clear timetable for conventional broadcast channels in HD. So to see something in HD, the clear choice is to make it through the Blu-Ray. The Blu-Ray is the successor of DVD. Its main feature is that this time yes, it is in HD. If you connect a Blu-Ray player to a TV HD Ready or Full HD we can finally enjoy the incredible picture quality of High Definition content. Then enough to buy a Blu-Ray (which are dropping dramatically in price, already, in March 2009, for 300 Euros), connect the TV and put a Blu-Ray. Some of the latest video game consoles (PS3) incorporating a high-quality video players definition. Is this it benefit my company? For a company, the advantage of making a video in high definition is obviously that you can project it on a Plasma or LCD TV with much higher quality (up to 4 times) using a Blu-Ray. It is ideal therefore for playback at fairs, and generally on large screens (halls, presentations, meeting rooms, etc..) Little by little, the Blu-ray will also widespread in the computing environment, with frequent and see notebooks with this technology, so in the near future productions will normally deliver in this format. Has made the leap in 2007 with the High Definition production, with more than a year to complete preparations for the production of corporate content in HD, either to deliver them into Blu-Ray or Web pages through the new Codecs WMV HD or H.264.