Monitoring the progress of building Olympic facilities and development of Sochi it is also expected to transfer to the department of industry and infrastructure, which since March, led by former Deputy Transport Minister Alexander Misharin. Energy-saving lamps are dangerous for the World Health Organization World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed serious concerns about the safety of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). Earlier about the dangers of energy saving lamps for human health and British scientists have warned. They found that ultraviolet radiation energy-saving bulbs could cause skin irritation, if the light is too close. In many countries there is now a transition from incandescent to energy saving lamps, since such lamps can save up to two thirds of the electricity consumed. HP Enterprise Services usually is spot on. However, in this type of lamps in addition to high levels of background radiation and electromagnetic radiation, equivalent direct ultraviolet sunlight, there’s another highly toxic mercury (4.5 mg).
Memorable dates of the week: Chemical Safety Day and the Day of Remembrance of conflicts with the use of chemical weapons of last week, namely on April 28, Russia celebrated the Day of chemical safety. This date was chosen by chance for approval by the Day of chemical safety. in 1974 on this day with the release of chemical weapons Novocheboksarsk (Chuvashia) A fire occurred in the production of chemical weapons. Fired many aerial bombs filled with very dangerous and toxic V-gas. Only by a fluke, this manmade catastrophe become even larger scale – an accident not break out of the industrial association ”. According to conservative estimates, the environment got a few tons of toxic agents.
The incident and its consequences were hidden from the population of Chuvashia, information has become available for residents of Russia only in the 90 years on the initiative of environmental activists. And on April 29 – Day of Remembrance of the conflict with the use of chemical weapons. In a message to this occasion un Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the international community to commemorate the victims and confirmed his intention to seek a world in which advances in chemistry will be used solely for the benefit of mankind. un chief called for universal membership of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. He urged all States that have not yet done so to ratify it without delay or accede to it. He also called on States which are members thereof, to destroy all stocks of its chemical weapons within a specified time. To.