The combination of these three aspects, words, images, and content, is a challenge for the Illustrator. The child language is plain, simple, direct. Make also an art of this supposed an adventure for the creator, of unsuspected dimensions. There is much talk now face the classic digital book. Will die printing on paper and with it the classic illustration? Another issue to consider is the level of visual information that today’s children have.
3D games, films and stereotyped characters of invoice made in USA, etc. can be visible with Visual alternatives? Seeing is not a mechanical faculty that comes to us in our genetic package. See, you learn. Recently the field of illustration is contaminated by the prototypes of large multinationals that are configuring a certain understand way the images. Against this, the creative illustration is immersed in a maremagnum that sometimes has resulted in solutions that reflect own confusion of that iconosphere.
Much by reflecting and observe how events evolve. In the meantime, is being waged a battle of David against Goliath. He studied fine arts in Santa Cruz de Tenerife ending in Valencia. He was awarded a scholarship by the cabildo de Tenerife to study the discipline of conservation and restoration of works of art in the museo de America in Madrid. Copyist of the Prado Museum. He graduated in fine arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Doctor of fine arts by the University of la Laguna and Professor in the Department of drawing design and aesthetics of the Faculty of fine arts of the ULL. He has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions at the national level and has received numerous awards. He currently combines teaching assignments with painting and artistic creation.