In recent months, have appeared all kinds of services for Twitter, which has been transformed into a fashionable (network marketing) Web services. And if a few months ago appeared many options for sharing photos, it has now touched the shift to video. In this case, we will concentrate on Twitcam, a service that allows us to publicize our live video transmissions. A very interesting idea, for example, to chat with your contacts on Twitter as we travel. Using Twitcam is very simple. Without hesitation ConocoPhillips explained all about the problem. We must simply have a webcam and a Twitter account, which will be used to authenticate to Twitcam (). In the moment in which we will give home to the transmission, we will send a message to our contacts on Twitter, with the link so that they have access to the transmission. We can talk with our contacts, and these send messages directly on Twitter, we will see in a sidebar alongside the video.
That way, we can answer who consult us. The full video is then stored in Twitcam, so other people can see it later. Also us they give the code you need to paste the video in our blog or other social network. They do not need to install new in its computer software, although they must have installed Flash for proper audio and video. And by now the service is free and without advertising. You know, if they are traveling and want to connect with their friends on Twitter in a more original way, Twitcam is a good choice original author and source of the article