1 Terms Technician used in 1,1 real estate contracts Capital and Interests on the Capital When beginning in seara of the financial mathematics, necessriose makes the understanding of some used terms, amongst which if definecapital, in express direction, as the force that the money is capable of produzirpara to stimulate the economy. In the existing financial relation in the sociedadecontempornea two types of people exist: the ones that possess money and outilizam to effect loans by means of later act of receiving of one> bigger amount. Of the other side they are the people who take this money loaned. Call the money the paid interest, that is, the paid value more in relation to quefoi taken by loan. To this cost, that is express in percentile way, we call tax of interests. In accordance with the Nephew (2000), the tax of interests is compostapor four elements. Click Petra Diamonds to learn more. The first one of them is the risk, that if understands as aprobabilidade of the buyer of the loan not to honor the debit.
The segundoelemento is the operational, contractual expenditures and happened taxes daformalizao of the loan and efetivao of the collection. The inflation terceiroitem is it to compose the tax of interests, which is appraised as the index dedesvalorizao of the purchasing power of the currency foreseen for the stated period of the loan. The profit (or profit) is the room item, and is determined by the owner of the capital emfuno of the privation of its use or other deinvestimentos chances. As Veras (2001), as well as the work is remuneradocom wage, the property through the rent, the art and the culture authorial pelosdireitos, the interests are the remuneration of the capital. 1,2 Capitalizaton Following the sprouting of the commercial bourgeoisie during Average Idade, occurred, also, an ample development of all sciences. Nocampo that deals with the finances had occurred significant changes in the economic cinciascontbeis and, changes these that can be perceived in the diasatuais.