The So Paulo minimum wage takes care of the 105 occupations that are not contemplated agreements or collective conventions of work, generally functions that support of category unions does not have. The readjustment considered for the governor Jose Mountain range was of 10,89%, making with that the So Paulo minimum wage has a percentile increase for 1 bigger band that national minimum wage that was of 9,68%. The first band (R$ 560,00) takes care of the domestic workers, maids, fishing, messengers, workers of the field (known as diligent farming and forest), continuous, assistant of general services clerical, laundrymen, ascensoristas, motoboys, used not-specialized of the commerce, workers of mines and quarries, or workers of movement and manipulation of merchandises and materials that do not belong the unions. The value of readjustment considered for the second band was of 7,55%, passing of current R$ 530,00 for R$ 570,00. The second band takes care of to the professionals who work as agricultural and forest operators of machines and implementos, machines of the civil construction, mining and to cut and to cultivate wood, mailmen, dyers, professionals of beauty hall and centers of embelezamento as: manicures, pedicures, barbers, others. They also contemplate this category: salesmen, dressmakers, bordadeiras, estofadores, masons, workers of preparation of foods and drinks, manufacture and confection of paper and cardboard, workers of tourism services, workers of protection and personal security guard (that they are not part of regional unions), waiters, collectors of collective transport (that they are not part of regional unions), barmen, painters, plumbers, soldering irons, chapeadores, mounters, ceramists, vidreiros, fiandeiros, teceles, tingidores, jewelers, workers of tanning, clerical silversmith, operators of machines, digitizers, operators of telemarketing, attendants and comissionrios of services of passengers, workers of the energy net electric and telecommunications, masters and foremen, marceneiros, mechanical workers of usinagem of metals, adjusters, mounters of machines, operators of installations of chemical processing and supervisors of production and industrial maintenance.
Month: September 2016
The majority of today's leaders have no doubts the reality of the "revolution of relationships." Everyone understands how useful to have a personalized client base, which can be used to track history of relationships with customers, manage sales, monitor the activity of sales managers, etc. These tasks are solved with the help of software technology, whose market splashes plenty of proposed solutions. Among domestic development experts continue to allocate the development of Expert Systems, such as Quick Sales and Sales Expert and development of Terrasoft. But the question in this article goes on technologies. The problem remains a problem, technology is implemented and the impact no. As in the previous article, where the meaning of the term customer relationship management helped us Chinese philosophers, I would like to focus on the relationship. And that's what I remember.
Do you remember the classic Christmas tale by Frank Capra "Life is beautiful '? That generally comes to mind about the film, so it's always a new idea that we all as individuals – are very different. However, in the film there is an underlying theme of crm, of which F. Capra and thought on shootings. In the film the two main protagonists, George Bailey – the son of a banker, which took over the family business 'Building and Loan', and Henry Potter, tight-fisted town banker forever-in-black. Potter was in the sense that to earn money for his bank, squeezing them out of the townspeople, whom he considered "paltry people". He adhered to the established banking rules, when people wanted to borrow money, then get them on terms of the bank, or did not receive at all.
Success in this field of made him 'the richest man in town'. George Bailey believed the contrary, that the citizens of his clients, so it is his duty to serve them well, with a personal approach. During the years, reminiscent of depression, supplied the workers' city dwellers with money at reasonable interest flexible, because they needed it. He has been involved in their lives, and worked with each individually and all wanted to know personally, although, strictly speaking, they were just his clients. In the final picture of the townspeople come to the rescue of George Bailey, giving him his money so he could pay the missing amount allegedly stolen by them on false charges, Mr. Potter, with each of the rescuers recalled that once Bailey helped him in this difficult hour. Touching, that goes without saying. So with any of the bankers you would prefer to deal with? Remember, the introduction of crm – it's not only the introduction of software products, but also a new philosophy of the behavior of your company.
Monterrey Teaching
Carlos Mora Vanegas Thanks to a scholarship that gave me the ITESM through Dr. Edgardo Reyes Salcido had the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies in Masters in Management, with strong emphasis on marketing and human resources for many years before that time I joined to be educated, just four years had gone by the start of this school, and came from a graduate student in management and economics at the University of Chile. I had the opportunity to exchange views with colleagues from different Latin American and Central American countries who entered the school in search of knowledge to contribute effectively applied to the companies they serve, of course, I was accompanied by Mexican professional courses, many graduates ITESM and prestigious national universities.
By then, only this School in Monterrey was the graduate degrees in administration, however, his reputation was felt as qualified teaching staff, all with doctoral degrees, many administrative sciences, graduates of renowned American universities, in addition to the agreements that ITESM had with some universities that allowed qualified teachers teaching at the school, something that touched me to experiment with three professors, including this, my dear Dr. John Aberle California, with whom he maintained a good friendship and I always recommended that I go to the United States. I remember very well the master classes taught me that in markets Dr. Gonzalez Arce, who eventually led me to explore this area a with which I identified in the exercise of my profession and where I have been teaching for many undergraduate and graduate years at the universities where I have had to teach classes and I think he would approve my administration.
Direct Message
At this point you must already have very clear to have a list of emails, it is essential to do business over the internet, the money is in the list. Ready. You already have your page’s landing, your autoresponder, but I am sure that now there is a problem, do as I get traffic to my page capture? Today I’m going to teach a simple but powerful internet marketing strategy, to give traffic to your landing page, using your twitter account. Now you must have heard that social networks are not for sale and that if you want results with them, you must deliver value and build trust in people bla bla bla. Although it is true, everyone tells you the same thing, but do not give you specific strategies. Here I bring you a timely strategy, to do, to generate more subscribers to your list of emails with twitter. Let’s go to the grain then: If you already have a twitter account, you must have noticed that everytime you follow someone in this network, it sends you a message of welcome, of the type: thanks for following my tweets, a I liked to be in contact with you. Best regards.
Now that you think, if in that message of welcome or appreciation, you offer your gift product that subscribe to your list of emails, without that look like these selling anything. For example: Hello, thanks for following me. In compensation I have decided to give you this ebook, video, software (depending on what you’re giving away your landing page) (your link to your landing page) trafficking that your welcome message not read like that you want to sell or earn a subscriber to your list of emails, but more well, like a gift you do it selflessly as a thank you for having followed. Your message should be short and concise, remember that twitter gives you only 140 characters to write your message, if your message exceeds that number, part of your message and your link to your landing page will not appear in the welcome message, when it is sent to your follower, therefore, you’re losing the chance to get subscribers to your list of emails. Do not post direct links to affiliate programs or business yours, remember what we least want to, is that they see us as we are trying to sell something.
You can also use, instead of one page landing, a blog (always and when it contains information of value, articles, tutorials, educational videos), if what you want is to get traffic to it, putting a message of the type: thanks for follow me, can know me a little more in (the link to your blog) ready. Now, put this strategy on autopilot. To avoid be writing a welcome message, each person who follows you on twitter, you can automate it. There are many programs on the net that allow you to do so, personally I use hootsuite which I given excellent results. Simply go to hootsuite subscribe completely free within your control panel, where it says social accounts you can add your twitter account and then customize your welcome message (where it says Direct messages-Edit welcome DM), which is automatically displayed each person to do your follower on twitter. You don’t underestimate this strategy of internet marketing, dale a taste and then tell me the results I’m sure will surprise you. If you want to learn more effective ways of getting visitors to your landing page view to web traffic.
Inverter Technology BiDirex
Solar 2013 exclusively uses the highly innovative, superior inverter technology BiDirex from Intersolar, ensuring maximum customer benefits through unique advantages. Wildpoldsried/Calgary, 21.05.2013. The Canadian high tech company sustainable energy technologies Ltd. delivers its innovative inverter technology to PROSOL invest Germany GmbH in the future. An appropriate cooperation agreement was signed last week with pan-European exclusivity for the multiple patented BiDirex system. From Intersolar 2013 the BiDirex technology has been proven for more than 10 years is used as standard in a new product line of the solar battery. With BiDirex technology we can offer our clients a series of additional unique benefits.
We are therefore delighted that we were able to gain sustainable energy as a strategic partner”commented Managing Director Christoph Ostermann cooperation. Torsten Stiefenhofer, who is responsible as Managing Director for the technical department, explains: Several hundred solar systems, we have for many months in the permanent online monitoring, we know the actual requirements for an efficient inverter from the practice. This is not about the maximum efficiency that is provided by most manufacturers in the foreground. Rather, a high degree of efficiency in the lower power range is important, in which battery storage systems usually operate in practice. Just one of the strengths of the BiDirex what brings more power the end customer at the typical operation of a battery system up to 11%, he would have to write off for inverter technologies other than loss here.” The BiDirex power inverter delivers maximum efficiency even at low voltages. Its patented pulsed step technology”based on intelligent software and a simple, rugged circuit, which will ensure high-quality AC-output. In contrast to conventional battery power inverters, the multiple patented, two-way power inverters dispenses with external DC/DC Conversion or separate AC/DC charging circuits and thus enables the industry’s highest levels of efficiency. The BiDirex technology has proven more than 10 years in practice.
Technical White Magic
The dowsing is the perception and measurement of the energy of objects.It is a very old technique of white magic or white witchcraft, in which receives information from the vibration of the object and amplifies it through tools such as the pendulum, metal rods and the bagueta, manufactured by the radiestesista with various natural materials.Among the instruments used is the pendulum. It is used by white magic very frequently to ask questions which can respond with a Yes or a no and also for healing at a distance, always complementing the treatment of traditional medicine.Pendulums in tip, used to give precision to the auxiliary dials, allow us get answers of incredible accuracy. The bagueta is basically a tree, preferably Hazel horqueta. Taken from the ends of the branch and points toward the floor, in the search for minerals, deposits or water. The search method is done with a witness, i.e., with a sample of the element that is intended to find. The witness is an element very used in the dowsing and follows the principles used for many magic spells. It can be a personal garment, a photograph or a sample of a specific place.The metal rods, also called dual rod, consist of two rods in L that we will take by their shorter ends. Movements of them respond, like the pendulum, to questions that can be answered with Yes and no and are widely used to detect the place where a person or object is located. Searches or measurements which uses the dowsing must be carried out according to the principles of the white magic, namely greater preparation and connection with the energy, the better the results. Original author and source of the article
The concrete forest wakes up in each one of us nostalgia, the ancestral homesickness of the weeds. Today we are all ecologists, we want to preserve or, exactly, to reestablish what it was destroyed. We want the clean rivers, the verdejantes fields, mountains without displayed land. But, back in the hinterland which is the conscience of caipira? Of any form, it would not change to the modern life and its badulaques for the primitive and romantic existence of the age of the splintery rock. The human animal played of God and constructed another world stops in it living. we are product of this.
But he would like to fight this dichotomy, this opposition between the natural life and the life in a great metropolis. Why he would need to open one hand to hug to another one? I could go for the forest carrying a portable computer, one digital photographic machine, clothes special to face the extreme humidity, a refrigerator, an oven of microwaves and things such, of we cannot more open hand. In the past, the forest fulled in them of fear but we knew to survive in it. Today, a great chaotic city fulls in them of fear but we know to survive in it. We were threatened by animal predators and peonhentos reptiles and now we run the risk of being assaulted, of being whitened by lost bullets, being run over by one I propagate mismanaged. The important one and that ninety and nine percent of us survives. The human being changes the nature but the nature teima in continuing taking account of it. We modify the molecule combinations, the properties of the substance, the uses of the land, the functions of the nature, but we do not obtain to surpass the most elementary laws of the life.
Deloitte Technology Fast
Thus changes in project plans which have capacitive effect on his team, appear immediately the head of the Department. Congestion resulting from the fact that projects with the Department and also not aligned are, can be reduced significantly by the staffer. For the project manager, planning can do intelligence remains essentially unchanged project. Depending on the type of rights model, he asks specific employees or capacities of the Department for his project. It is the line then, to serve these requests.
With version 4.4 of its software allows can do with one tool both activities of the line organisation and project-oriented work to plan, control and monitor. Can do project intelligence 4.4 is currently intensively tested by customers and should gradually be delivered end of September 2012. To learn about the staffer, click here. A short video gives you a first impression of the staffer. Can Do Ltd. can do GmbH, Munich, project has can do intelligence a powerful and proven project management software developed. The tool supports companies in the professional and successful implementation of projects. The software ensures more transparency both in projects and portfolios, allows for optimized use of personnel and allows working with agile and realistic planning methods, such as for example the plan with inaccurate data and values.
In addition to the efficient management of resources can do characterized intelligence among other things by its ease of use, a simple implementation, as well as through its integrated reporting and comprehensive functions in the area of project portfolio and budget management project. All project-related information will always be available in real time. Moreover, the tool builds a bridge between project and line, by significantly simplifying voting processes. On the project management software can do throughout Europe to well-known companies and institutions such as Gothaer insurance, trust the Salzgitter AG, Oerlikon Barmag, Swarovski, the Rheinische Sparkassen – and Giroverband and Toshiba Europe.
The net cost per worker increased by 0.5% over the previous year, reaching 30 in 2010. annual 541. Of that amount, about 375 are due to expenses related to the selection of staff among other things. Cost of seeing what it costs in total a worker to the company may not seem excessive but that if we look more carefully and calculate the final cost by all workers of a company the figure already impresses a little more. And depending on the sector this last datum will matter much more. Look in the hospitality sector, more specifically, at the catering job offers.
Since it is a sector that depends a lot on the seasons of the year, their need for engagements incredibly diverges from one month to another. During the holidays, summer, Easter, bridges the innkeepers need to hire much staff to cope with the increase in demand but only time that lasts this demand. After this short period of time no longer need good part of hired staff. That is why, in this sector in particular, necessary so matching engagements as barely there is time to adapt to the environment, to the needs of the contracting. Everything goes very fast and err when hiring can lead to the loss of hundreds of euros.
So things, proliferate companies selection in hospitality than with a large bag of applicants, resumes, they allow the contracting person refine on what you want, expand your options for success. They first provide security when hiring, which is very important. Who attends one of these companies know what you will find is reliable, it has few options of being wrong. And, second, thanks to the above will save money. You’ll save money because you won’t have a human resources department to succeed in hiring. The contracting person can do it herself with the advice of the company’s staff.
Analogical and Digital
The thought goes more far from what the practical one because it needs time, of the precious one to elixir of the material reality. The practical one is analogical and the thought is digital. In the reality of the thought the time does not exist. Not for another reason, the old saying ' ' it makes what I say and I do not make what fao' ' it never loses its the acute present time. It will be that of this skill we will arrive there? The great transformations had always fit to the minorities. In century nineteen, liberal luteranos had searched the truth on the myth Jesus Christ. The result of its studies and conclusions was sultry for the Christian majority. Until today, any attempt of clarification of the subject is considered serious moral infraction.
The faith does not need the lie, for more candy that it is. The lie consterna. Although this, had invented in the past a history that, as if they esteem, 2,2 billion people believe. The current universe of, more or less, 7 billion people, 1,8 billion believe one another one and 3 billion still resist both. At least, the hope of that the forecast of a confrontation in this century enters the two heleno-Jewish cultures not if consummates to the extremity is in these 3 billion. These religious cultures are as comunicantes vases, emptying one, if it empties to another one. The argument of that more intelectualizados than if had become attached the Christian faith, but not they are unaware of its same historical reality they even hide and it of itself, it is that the billions of believers must be preserved and would not be ethical exp them it so great suffering. Eticamente questioning: what it preserves the people of the suffering is the truth or is the lie? Here we deal with the general rule, not of accidental exceptions.