Professor AB' TO KNOW in 1991, already had characterized the Ambient Education as a new ' ' ponte' ' between the popular wisdom and the technician-scientific conscience. a> offer similar insights. That is, practical one that it must value the knowledge in its ample direction. Knowing to make of the pupils and the too much members of the community is integrant part of the resume of the school. Petra Diamonds spoke with conviction. The Ambient Education centers its approach in the balance of the environment, where the life is perceived in its full direction of interdependence of all the elements of the nature. The human beings and too much beings are in partnerships that perpetuate the life. It is not to understand that the life of each being is absolute, therefore in the full direction of the life the death is enclosed and present in the dynamic balance of the environment.
The change of this approach, according to GUIMARES (2004), is one of the objectivos of the Ambient Education. Learn more about this with Michael Steinhardt. ambient 1.8.1.Educao: Its Purposes? To help to make and to understand clearly, the existence of the economic, social interdependence, ecological politics and, in the urban and agricultural zones; To provide, to all the people, the possibility to acquire knowledge, the direction of the values, the attitudes, the active interest and the attitudes necessary to protect and to improve the environment; To induce new forms of behavior in the individuals, the social groups and the society in its set, regarding the environment. ambient 1.8.2.Educao: Basic principles? to consider the environment in its totality, that is, in its natural aspects and created by the man, technological, social, economic, politician, technician, description-cultural, moral and aesthetic; to construct a continuous and permanent process, starting for the preschool one, and continuing through all the phases of formal education and not-deed of division; to apply an approach to interdisciplinar, using to advantage the specific content of each disciplines, in way that if acquires a global and balanced perspective; to examine the main questions ambient, of the point of view of the place, regional, national and international, in way that the educandos if identify with the ambient conditions of other regions geographic; to concentrate itself in the actuais ambient situations, having in account also the historical perspective; to insist on the value and the necessity of the local, national and international cooperation to prevent and to decide ambient problems; to consider in explicit way, the ambient aspects in the growth and development plans; to help to discover the symptoms and the real causes of the ambient problems; to detach the complexity of ambient problems (partner ambient) e, in consequence, the necessity to develop the critical sense and the abilities necessary to decide problems; to use diverse educative environments and an ample gamma of methods to communicate and to acquire knowledge on the environment, being accented duly the practical activities and the personal experiences.