This study it will be based through theoretical basements of World-wide the Superior Education at a distance, Latin America and still by means of some famous authors as: Marta Mena, Lgia Rodrguez, Maria Laura Diez, Manoel Moran, Moacir Gadotti, Pierre Lvy, Luiz Market, Maria Lcia Neder, Maria Neide Sobral Da Silva, Luiz Carlos Parents, among others. She will bring a theoretical recital to guide practical the pedagogical one with the use of the new technologies in Superior Ensino in Education in the distance thus to prevent the defection in EAD. This research will be important to help to professors, pupils and readers interested in the virtual world at a distance to discover the problem of the defection in Superior Ensino. To verify the problems occurred in the defection in the courses in EAD of the Tiradentes University to apply? if? the investigativos questionnaires to the colleges student who had given up. In this analysis, it will intend to have a diagnosis of what the university pupils think in the distance on Ensino of the Tiradentes University, its methodologies of education with the use of the New Technologies. Moreover, it will investigate if in its insertion in the superior level they had had formation, access and use of the new technologies of the information and communication. It is important to know that them pupils to reach its objectives in the launched program, are necessary in the distance to consider the knowledge and abilities demanded for the Education. As well as the handling of the technological resources such to have in account its previous formation or the requirements of ingression. From there it will appear a proposal pedagogical to help the pupils to diminish its difficulties, to reflect on its practical and only not to fulfill what the academic programs demand, but that they know to manejar the necessary technologies that they give support to its studies to guarantee its permanence in the long-distance courses.
Month: July 2015
In 1973 the first shock of the oil and beginning of the world-wide inflection in the wealth generated in 50 and 60. He is not fcl to trace a parallel in the prosperity of the decades of 60 with the ones of the decade of 90, the world is another one. 5-) I insist, the Capitalism did not finish nor is being I coat. The profit still is the best form to generate wealth, job and income. The market system still is most democratic and free. Interventions of governments? Whenever necessary. Optimum system is what of the result and shows performance, the new economic order is mandatria and real, it wants let us want or not. The current crisis only it precipitates and of the contours of adjustments and changes.
6-) The stock markets are volatile not because of the notice of potential world-wide contraction. The world still will grow 2.5% medium to the year according to diverse forecasts. China still will grow 9% and the emergent others as much. Brazil must be with 3,5% or more. The stock markets still if resent at reliable lack, of adjustment of unreal prices and the moment of instability, natural in the way of the confusion.
7-) The confidence of the population not could follow different way at this moment, the pessimism is total, but the world did not stop, was not the first one and nor will be the last crisis of the economy, either regional or world-wide. The difference is that today, all on one sistemicamente, the information circulate fast and finish placing brakes in diverse activities. Plants do not go to close and to break, as well as occurs with the ones of toy Chinese, is inflection, party to suit after absolute prosperity. The wealth is generated by the global competitiveness, for evolution of the price of the insumos, at last, is part of the ascent, but it remembers that the descending exists on the other hand. It broke a Spanish company of aviation and had said that it was the crisis? Wait there, the aviation sector is in crisis has much time, simply was at this moment that gave its bankruptcy, nothing more. The adjustment initiated in the financial system goes to reach other segments, is natural in the globalizada, hardwired and quick economy, but it is part of a process, not consequence of the crisis that we attend in itself. The economic Cycle, I repeat, is the essence of everything. Nikolai Kondratiev (Russian economist of years 30) showed model of economic cycle varying between 40, 60 years. One remembers again that the speed is one of them pillars of the new order, the 0 variable are others, somebody needs to give adjustments in the mathematical model of Kondrantief. He does not advance to be the light of the forecasts of pessimists or optimists. The things had happened with a previsible logic, the actions are being taken for the authorities. Bretton Woods it could never be repeated, as well as the New Deal. Something, as in the past, is already in course, seemed, improved. The effect until will be there what we see now, still diffidence and room in the businesses. Contraction and inflation must happen, but they will be fast movements, I always repeat, the management tools are others, more modern, more efficient, the allied experience the technology and to the new pillars of the global economy they go to make much people if to surprise. It goes to be registered here.
SVC Equipment
Stalagmometr ST-2 is designed to determine the surface tension of surfactant solutions by determining the amount of drops is squeezed out at the borders: the solution – SAW antipolyarnaya liquid or solution – SAS – air. Stalagmometriya – method of separation of drops is common in medical and pharmaceutical practice. The theoretical justification of this method is as follows. Formation of drops of liquid at flowing out of her small holes is the result of surface tension and gravity. For example, if the set of vertical tubes with a narrow capillary bore liquid seeping slowly, then at the end of the tube is formed slowly increasing in size drop. Increasing in size, the drop off when its weight becomes equal to the resistance to rupture the surface film, which supports the drop. Before the separation of drops at the end of the tube is formed constriction at which separation occurs drops.
Stalagmometr a glass tube with an extension of the middle and the bottom of the capillary, the extended portion is bounded by two marks. Put the tube in a beaker with test solution, using a rubber bulb delaying a solution to the instrument (the fluid level should be above the upper mark) and give a liquid drop by drop flow from stalagmometra in the cup. The exhaust velocity can be adjusted using a screw clamp. When the liquid level reaches the upper mark, start counting drops, counting continues until the bottom level of the label. Stalagmometr ST-2 is designed to determine surface tension of surfactant solutions by determining the amount of drops is squeezed out at the borders: the solution – SAS – antipolyarnaya liquid or surfactant solution – air.
Specifications: Power motor DSM-2 AC current, 220 Dimensions, mm 650h240h180 The delivery device includes: Stalagmometr assembly, a syringe kit, ea. 1 Instruction manual. 'Chemical' – a wide range of chemical products, equipment and appliances. Chemical products for industrial and laboratory supplies, organic and inorganic acids and bases, salts with organic and inorganic acids, organic solvents, indicators. The equipment necessary for full functioning of a modern laboratory equipment for nefteanaliza, chromatographic and electrochemical analysis equipment to analyze physico-chemical parameters of all media, as well as ancillary laboratory equipment for sampling and sample preparation, weighing equipment, thermostat and heating equipment, mixers, Electrical laboratory equipment. Hydrometer ADB-1, EBE-2 Viscometer, Cone spreadability of the CD-1, CTC Laboratory LGR-3 mixer LMR-1, OM-Drain 2, pycnometer P-1, instrument Vick, BM-6, SVC-01, KC 3, KC-5, SNS-2, Stalagmometr ST-1, unit KNP-2, CA cylinder stability-2 NTF-acid-OEDF acid, lime, borax, 5 water, 10 water, Mel, caustic soda technical, Polyelectrolyte MIC-402 and Silica gel IBC, KSKG, SHSMG, Sulfatsell -2 Sulfonol, Activated carbon, Mud powder, barite, dolomite weighting, CSSC, Neonol, saponified tall pitch VPRG reagent (dry hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile) Reapon, Sial, FHLS-M, GL-1 Graphite, Graphite lubricants, greases, thread and surfactant consignment note PKD-515, OT Wetting -7, OP-10, Penta-465, CMC, PAC-B, PAC-N SNPH, corrosion inhibitor Vikor.
The Sources
This idea of Europe of the citizens is very recent, with the objective to socialize the information giving the access it for the users. As it described Baptist (2007, P. 182) has advances of the area of the study of users. They show that today sophisticated qualitative studies can more be made, theoretical and, instrumentally appropriate for the development of systems based on the especificidades of the behaviors of the final users. This allows to make more ergonomic systems in accordance with cognitivas, affective, psychological and physiological necessities of the users.
On the democratization of the information, Arajo (2008, p.8) says that in the decade of 1980 the concern in the countries of third world was that ‘ ‘ The informacionais problems leave of being those on ones to the promotion of the use of information sources, to the satisfaction of the users with the systems or to the identification of the used sources more, dislocating itself for the question of the identification of the informacionais excluded ones, of the problems of access to the sources and systems of information, of the denunciation of the inaqualities in terms of access and uso’ ‘. Research discloses that, still today, little less than 5% of the people in the whole world they use the Internet, has inaqualities between countries central offices and peripherals in diverse plans, (a logic of global economy that favors the maintenance of the inaqualities between countries central offices and peripherals in diverse plans, also in science and technology. E, still, inaqualities in the process of transformation of data in information, of information in knowledge, of knowledge in social intelligence.) (GARDEN, 2001). Still the same author comments that how much to the access to the information: the current technologies of the information foment one ‘ virtual space in the functioning and proper characteristics that produce new configurations of production, flow and access to the information; the concept of ‘ ‘ place ‘ ‘ one becomes secondary for the professional of the information and the users; the institutions as archives, libraries and centers of documentation acquire new vocations, renew functions that it are historical and surpass others.
Microsoft SQL Server
2.5 To 3.0 upgrade process must be automatic and simple, similar to previous updates.Users can choose depending on the site by site, if you have automatic updates check for version updates LTS (by default) or updates of the version of STS.Depending on that choice, different update notifications will display when accessing back of site administration. Version 3.0 system requirements requires the version of PHP 5.3 and MySQL version 5.1 (with MySQL 5.5 recommended web designer).We are going to continue supporting Microsoft SQL Server and he is expected to be adding support for Postgresql.ademas, he has been proposed for release for the old driver mysql support in PHP and they require the use of the new mysqli driver.Finally, intends to require MySQL InnoDB engine inside.INNODB is required for some of the new platform tables.None of these changes should cause problems for hosts that offer up to date versions of software.In addition, it will be at least September 2013, before existing sites you will need to upgrade to version 3. Important due dates the Joomla CMS is a time-based release cycle, we have be strict in terms of cut-off dates.These are the proposed dates: July 1:. The package’s alpha 3.0 version this is mainly to test third party extensions after the removal of files from the platform to the folder of the CMS. characteristics need not be ready by then, but that may be included if they are ready.
1 August:. Version of the package 3.0 beta this should contain all the features that will be in version 3.0.To make this happen, all the features of 3.0 must be prepared to merge prior to this date. September 1: version 3.0 RC1.This must be very close to a final version. 15 September: version 3.0.0. Diseno web madrid – web hosting
Mssil Balstico Intercontinental
Had to this, they are being substituted for missiles DF-21, already described, that they possess minor reach, however they are more modern. Missiles DF-4A possess, as some estimates, reach of seven a thousand kilometers, being, therefore Mssil Balstico Intercontinental (MBI) of limited capacity. Being projected to be capable to reach the American base of Guam, in the Pacific Ocean, and the European Soviet Union, the missile, for the current standards, he is inexact, slow and of complex launching. Its load is exclusively nuclear and it does not have forecast for its substitution. Intercontinental missiles DF-5A are the main vectors of strategical attack of the RPC.
Its ray of allows it to reach to take powerful nuclear weapons the good part of the globe, abstaining itself it South America and small portion of Africa Occidental person. Such vectors possess unbalanced technology, being comparative to the one of missiles developed for the superpowers in the decade of 1950. Beyond slow, the missile is in service in small amount. The estimates vary. However it is given credit that they exist, currently, between nineteen and twenty and five operational missiles. Some sources cite that this inventory is always in state of alert in silos in the south of China, ready to leave to any minute, if necessary.
As and the last intercontinental missile in service in the SAC is the DF-31. Projected to substitute the DF-5A, the missile it possesss lesser reach that its predecessor, therefore being incapable to reach the coast east of U.S.A. Although this, it, in fact, represents a great advance for the Chinese strategical forces, especially due to better precision, to the simplicity of operation and the fact of that it can be operated from mobile bases, as trucks special, making it difficult its destruction before being launched. However, the vector is in operation in insufficient numbers to guarantee an efficient capacity of attack or counterattack.
Internet Design
An anigo told me that a client you had redesigned its web site. It paid $60,000 for a site that really does nothing for the. It is a simple website, as a brochure that offers nothing to the visitor and certainly does nothing to convert traffic into sales. Given that its budget was for the design, do not have excess money to launch your new site to the market. Mistake # 1, don’t pay $60,000 for a simple exercise in brand. A corporate web site is as a support for a company. The beauty of the Internet is that there is no place for uncertainty, since almost anything can be measured. -What are you trying to achieve? -Increase traffic? -Generate leads? -Increase sales? If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, then with an investment of $60,000 should get between 80-95% as I retorneo of investment.
but can a simple site get a return of 80-95% of the investment? Web design today is a commodity. The cost of the design should represent approximately 25% of its total expenditure. Today, design costs are competitive, which gives rise to one major expense that should be only for the design of the web. There is an excellent source of management of content (CMS) that gives you the power to manage their own content. The cost of the software is very economical, and recommended the use of any platform providing you with Web 2.0 compatible with a low final cost for installation and maintenance. An added value of the companies dedicated to web design, is that these companies can sell what you do. It is thus possible to obtain a 2.0 website at an affordable cost. If you spend between $ 4,000 $ 8,000 in a basic web site, must be mentalized of that it will take more than 12 months to get some income between $ 30,000 $ 80,000.
Huerta Box
So I sanded and sanded. I sanded, because in the haste of the urgency, even when vi two tapes 3 M, grey, to open the box; I did not relate these two rough leaves with the sandpaper that sold at the hardware store. Do as well?, if come in a carrying case Pink, in a pink box with a smiling monkey in the box. Continue sanding and, finally, after mastering the technique, the indomitable hairs fell to sink. Proud, I rubbed me with rosewater face and believe that until I tell me Pats on the cheeks, as my husband makes.
I checked the area with a magnifying mirror, the result was the desired. My Chin, by touching it, it felt like the cheeks of my niece, smooth and soft. But with a little bit of heartburn. When I tried to cream me, I felt that the ardorcito was increasing, as if I burn the skin. I rubbed me with water. After a few minutes, I began to exit a pinkish rash and Chin started to take the shape of Popeye Chin. I could not put the cream again, not even putting makeup to hide the bulge, that looked like a pink ball under the mouth.
I chose to highlight your eyes with shadow and eyeliner to ward off the attention of the Chin, but what I managed was a caricature of Lupita, live and in full colour. Right now, I’m seeing the smiling photo of the model of box, and discovering that chiquita lyrics, instructions, says first applying in the area of the arm to see if there are any allergic reaction. Thank you, but too late. Who do not understand that, first, never leo instructions, much less the contraindications and, secondly, that I am one almost and fifties, which took this tomorrow a traumatic shock and to post-traumatic trance be launched to saving his youth, fighting the hairs of the world. Of course not, nobody understands it. For starters, the mona’s box, does not pass 20 years, which means, that she still has well arranged hairs. But well, my twenty already passed. I’m in the here and the now, making him face the chills that feel me the hairs on the faces of others. They are their hairs and I respect them. The only thing that I should I worry about is my hairs and, for the first time, read the instructions. Lupita Huerta, author of the blog dedicated to all those who we want to celebrate our 50 years and live them fabulously well. original author and article source
Virtual Private Server
Page created by the hotelmanagement REDOCAMPO, allows you to look for servers to host your web site. This is an initiative to improve the flow of information with people who do not even know how to publish web pages. Recuarda to: the web hosting is divided into six types: free, shared, reseller, virtual servers, dedicated and co-locacion servers. Free Web hosting: free hosting is extremely limited when you compare it with housing payment. These services generally add advertising on the sites and have a space and limited traffic. Shared hosting (shared hosting): in this type of service clients in several sites are hosted on a single server, thanks to the configuration of the web server program. It is a very good alternative for small and medium-sized customers, is an economic service and has good performance. Image hosting: this type of hosting is offered to save your images on the internet, most of these services are free and the pages worth of advertising placed on his page to upload the image.
Reseller hosting (reseller): this hosting service is designed for large users or people who sell the Hosting service to other people. These packages have lots of space and domains available for each account. Virtual servers (VPS, Virtual Private Server): through the use of a virtual machine, the company offers the control of a computer apparently shared no. So multiple domains can be managed easily and economically, in addition to choosing the programs that run on the server. Why is the type of product recommended for design firms and web programming. Dedicated servers: dedicated server term refers to an advanced form of web hosting in which the client rent or buy a complete computer, and thus has complete control and responsibility to manage it.
The physical care of the machine and Internet connectivity is task of the hosting company, which usually have it in a data center. Placement (or housing): This service basically consists in selling or renting a footprint of a data center so that the customer put there your own computer. The company gives you the power and Internet connection, but the servant computer chooses it completely user (up to the hardware). Visit and find out from the ultimate in web hosting. Also the vast majority of the pages are free! The experience of web hosting that you expect for Vivre invites REDOCAMPO. Original author and source of the article.