Architecture Crisis

1. What is a crisis and where it comes from? With regard to the generally accepted definitions – this is a dramatic change, leading to loss of sales, profits and personnel, or heavy transition state, which is often referred to as protracted, low-intensity or long-term crisis due to losses which remain unchanged. I would compare the crisis with the disease, which in turn can lead to chronic disease and even death. We are easier for people to understand nature of the crisis on the example of his own body. If people pay attention to their disease, why we suffer and agonize as our sick bodies violate the robot to the whole organism, it will be easier to understand and the nature of the crisis. On the question of who is most often to blame, just look in the mirror and you see a person responsible for your problems.

On the question of where it comes from the crisis, most managers are finding a lot of reasons and blamed everything on your 'Negligent' personnel or unscrupulous competitors while not realizing that the place from which emanate all the problems – it's hidden corners' of their own brain. 2. How do leaders determine that they have in the enterprise Crisis? All in different ways, but usually on a number of traits that are the real reasons. This lack of resources, conflicts with subordinates and in the team, demotivation of staff, the outstanding products in warehouses and stores, problems with logistics, the lack of the enterprise management cycle and self-organization system, theft, sexual harassment, and so on.

Payments in the United States

Single payment – most often refers to grants and awards for achievement. Periodic payments – most likely related to the usual understanding of the scholarship. Usually characterized in those cases where the financial assistance involves the payment of daily expenses for lodging and meals. as Assessment to a scholarship in the U.S. First – performance. Unfortunately, unless you were a diligent student and do not like to learn about education in U.S. universities can be forgotten.

Academic component of the educational process in American universities is in the first place, and require students, especially at the graduate level, a very great mental effort, diligence and concentration. Students graduate and doctoral studies full-time render research, writing scientific papers. And from a student-scholar expect even more remarkable abilities than the students, who themselves pay for their education. Secondly, a specialty. We have already mentioned that funding for areas of exact, natural, technical sciences available to a greater extent than other specialties. Mathematicians, computer programmers, biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, environmentalists are more likely to find interesting for yourself curriculum and research master's and doctoral programs than economists, linguists and historians. This can be explained by the fact that the state encourages the development of those industries in which tends to lead: the high technology, the study of natural processes, development of new drugs and treatments for diseases, etc.

We can say that the experts who are interested in scientific research, high chance to get financing his education in the United States. In the theoretical fields need to show more outstanding ability to get a chance for a scholarship or grant. And, thirdly, it is important to find the answer to the question: "How will I benefit from science, society, the university community? ". This question, which is often required to reveal a motivational letters and essays, and sometimes is decisive for the candidate. Must logically describe how your previous experience, knowledge and ability to combine with your plans for the future, as you might diversify the social life of the university, what new could bring to the scientific community. The future plans is important to show compliance program, university or foundation. If you see some kind of knowledge, skills or abilities you do not have enough – work on yourself, learn and explore. If you find yourself in an exemplary portrait of the successful candidate, feel free to look for opportunities and go for it!

Information Comparative Brazil

Laws on security of the Information? Comparative Brazil to the Remaining portion of the Reginaldo World Kings of Santana, Yurie Mendona College of Administration and Businesses of Sergipe? Fanese Nucleus of After-Graduation and Extension? Npge Course of After-Graduation ' ' Broad Sensu' ' Specialization in Computer networks Abstract. The purpose of this article is to present the main Summary. The intention of this article is to present the main related norms the Security of the Information in comparative Brazil to the remaining portion of the world. 1.Introduo the advent of the Internet and its increasing evolution come changing the way of as the society if it communicates and it carries through its daily tasks. With the Internet, the man started to make since a basic consultation on a study subject starting to make electronic purchases, transactions, etc.

Parallel to the growth of the Internet the risks of imperfections, fake electronic, robberies and improper accesses the electronic systems grow, also, in numbers each time more supreendentes. He is as much that all the moment is announced that great corporations had its data? active princial of the companies? stolen for some hacker (personal that the systems without authorization have access) or in some cases it had its paralyzed systems, as example the sites Yahoo, Uol,, that had had its systems stopped for a period in February of 2000 (TecnoInfo 2004 – Rezende, Edmar.) Had to this new facetas and new threats that appeared in the Internet (world-wide net of computers) the world of the technology if it sees ahead of a new challenge, that is to take care of the three basic premises of the security of the information: the availability, integrity and confidencialidade (ISSO/IEC 17799:2005). To reach such premises some agencies had elaborated laws, norms prescribed the use of the users in the net so that the user executes its tasks in the net of safe form and whenever he needs.

Make Costs Market

This article presents a proposal for expenditure of products in a plant, after practical comments of many mistakes, diversity of concepts and little effectiveness in the methodology adopted in many industries (probably in the great majority). In such a way, in first place, she is necessary to disrespect the criteria of who works with expenditure for similar absorption, ABC and formulas. Normally, these criteria (some traditional ones, others nor in such a way) run away from common-sense of who need a practical methodology, tied with the market dynamism and that it allows to evaluate the performance of the production in the reality of the daily one. Thus being, I consider here a methodology that considers the following steps: 1. In first place, and before more nothing, it looks for to know which would be a reasonable price for its product, considering the value practised for the market. The price of sales in the store esteem the price practised for the competition observing, looks for to use its proper experience. It is the look of it are for inside.

I am not saying that calculation of the cost for definition of the sales price is not important. The problem is that, normally, the companies if worry in defining the price on the basis of the cost (to look at of inside for it are), forgetting to verify the disposal of the market in buying, to gain the situation of the demand (if the accepted market a price of R$ 200, because I would venderia for R$ 100). 2. In according to place, it identifies to all the changeable costs, those that vary of proportional form with the price. For example: taxes on sales, commissions, have freighted, etc. In the case of the freight, have that to consider if the sales price it will be CIF or FOB. If it will be FOB, it does not enter in the calculation, since it will be charged to the part.

Four Steps

This article is dedicated to you who are looking to develop, mark, and capitalize on products and services business. And it is also dedicated to those marketeros who are trying to understand this new technology and new mentality of exposing an internet business. Regardless of business, product or project that you are trying to promote or expose, a serious and effective marketing is what you’ll need. 1. What market? 2. What is marketing? 3. What to know about marketing? 4 How to plan your marketing? Doesn’t really matter at the level of understanding of marketing that you find, recapitulate the basic understandings will help you to strengthen your own knowledge.

1. What market? The oldest record we have of the market word comes from the word Latin mercatus, meaning a variety of different institutions, social relations and infrastructure where people swap and swap goods, services and products. In simple English, the market is the place where buyers and sellers exchange things of value. The most common transaction is exchanging the money for good. And although the market Word or mercatus dates from the Xll century. Today know very well that the market existed thousands of years BC. This means that the market is a more ancient social structures that were used to not only set the value of the goods according to supply and demand according to global and local needs, but also the market was the place to establish social relationships.

2. What is marketing? Marketing is the process associated with the promotion of the sale of goods and services. It is the process of create, communicate, exhibit, perform and exchange values. 3. What to know about marketing? The cornerstone of any marketing would have to be focused on creating measurable goods that meet needs of customers and consumers to establish strong social relationships. Marketing is considered a science by the considerable influence on society and the many studies that there are about today.