Buenos Aires

Stop in General Rodriguez was that Zabala, wanted to greet Daniel Musso, corridor of automobiles that had been very famous at the time of splendor of Zabala. They could only do it by phone. From there we started to run in posta is a stretch each athlete and so continue until the exit of Lujan (20 km), where We went back to get on the bus, and only stop on the curve of Chacabuco; i.e. nearly 150 miles later. There crossed us the already non-existent company red bus, where came the Gordo and his young and also plump Companion. Greeted us and I resume the fly.

From there, yes we started really running while it fell the evening and in posta, while Carlitos Obberti, almost child, acalambraba by running on pavement arriving at Junin, in access, we went running all group. People believed that we were running from Buenos Aires us clapped.and no one told him otherwise in front of the Club Jorge Newbery, in un palco del gordo toward master of ceremonies (an animator of those);and there were Zabala, pine and Bustamante, as well as two glories of the local Athletics: Parchappe and Juan Fusse (International hammer thrower). Then a dinner with words of our evoked and overnight a lunch of farewell at the Club, with a Guido Brovarone that mimicked the well-known announcer of radio Cologne Ariel Delgado. Before returning sports Embassy step by the House to pay him a sort of homage to Fusse. We have it because that the was the kind of things that towards our noted. Perhaps only remember them those who are still in this valley of tears. In October 1996, I found in Chacabuco at home of Famila Stamponi married to the daughter of Fusse – a photo of that event. They spent the years; We always saw it to the fat in some of their things, promoted from the Organization TEAM, which had been created and where even came to promote a free Athletics team.


Through simplified umdiagrama the visualization is possible> of the principaisestgios of the cycle of life of a product. The first period of training, extration of natural resources, realizado for suppliers, that take care of of the extration and the production dasmatrias-cousins and/or components. As the deprodutos period of training is the transformation under the control of the industries. The third period of training, preservation eexpedio, are generally under the control of the manufacturer, even so maissofisticados products can need a mesh of suppliers and contractors. The room period of training, of the use for the consumer, is influenciadopelo project of the product and for the degree of continuous interaction of the manufacturer.In the fifth period of training, an obsolete or defective product already discarded is ourevisado.

As and the third periods of training are seen as those where it has amaior ambient responsibility of the industry, but inside efora the increasing vision of the corporations is of that an ambiently responsible product minimizaseus ambient impacts in all its five periods of training. A dedados inventory is also elaborated that consists of the collection and procedures of calculations (ISO 14041:1998). Demassa consists in a rocking and energy, where the total that enters in the system in study must be equal aoque leaves. Through the application of the ACV in the manufacture of its products, the company will be able to conclude which the products contributes of negative form, paraa rise of standards of emissions of pollutants in half the liquid, gaseous eslido. She will be able to also verify, for example, which or which the products, contribuemde significant form for not the attendance the standards of poluentesestabelecidos by the legislation, as well as those demanded standards pelosclientes. So that the Evaluation of the Cycle of Life produces resultadosconfiveis, you talked back e, above all, comparable, is necessary that osimpactos ambient associates to the mentioned interactions are avaliadosatravs of methodologies and systematic and standardized procedures. .

Laurana High

Noto is an important and beautiful city of Sicily famous worldwide for its monuments and Baroque buildings made almost all at the same time after a strong earthquake in 1693. It is no coincidence that included a noticed as Unesco world heritage. The city is a goal must for all tourists who have in mind a Tour for holidays in Sicily, filled with monuments to visit. They are the Church of San Francisco, built by Sinatra, along with the Benedictine monastery (in which the Church of Santa Chiara is located), which marked the high point of the architecture of Noto, with feature staircase that leads to the beautiful Cathedral the main square of Noto. Inside the Cathedral, badly damaged by the collapse of the dome and the nave in 1996, unfortunately ran out of restore in 2007. Just in front of the Cathedral is the Town Hall of the city (Ducezio Palace) and the Bishop’s Palace. The high city, also splendid, part offers us the Church of the Crocifisso (Gagliardi), which can be admire the famous Virgin of snow Laurana.

Of particular importance in addition to the churches are some of the noble palaces in Noto as Palazzo Nicolaci, Palazzo Trigona, astute Palazzo that best represent the splendor and beauty of this beautiful corner of Sicily. There are many tourist events distributed throughout the year, special mention deserve celebrations of the patron, Corrado Confalonieri, in the middle of February, and the Baroque spring, held in the city in late May. On the outskirts of the city, a few kilometers from Noto this ancient city, rich Center in the era of the Romans and very important in the middle ages, completely destroyed by an earthquake. The ancient city remains are in fact little protected and not available for tourism, are almost completely covered by vegetation. Another important archaeological Center is Eloro, founded by Syracuse in the 7th century before Christ.

All the important, historical and cultural remains have been transferred to the Museo Civico di Noto. About 5 years to this I feel part of this growing of decisively in the amount of tourism, who day by day discover the architectural beauties of the city which can be defined as the true and final fully baroque city. Remains one of the less known places stop vacation in Sicily, which makes it still viable and appreciated in its entirety in high season. It must said, however, that sleeping is better to go towards Noto Marina better equipped in hospitality and services. Walks in the taverns of Noto, in search of sweets and culinary specialities that do not betray the expectations, as elsewhere in Sicily are captive. remains one of the least known places stop vacation in Sicily, which makes it still viable and appreciated in its entirety in high season. It must said, however, that sleeping is better to go towards Noto Marina better equipped in hospitality and services. Walks in the taverns of Noto, in search of sweets and culinary specialities that do not betray the expectations, as elsewhere in Sicily are captive.

Earth Civilization

The first sun ended by earthquakes, the second – the hurricanes, the third – volcanic sediments, and the fourth – the flood. Life after Maya will end if the life of our civilization in 2012? On the one hand, the Maya predicted the destruction of this civilization as a result of a certain movement of the Earth. But it is followed not only the development of the next, the sixth civilization. If you believe the theory of Maya, after the end of the cycle of the Fifth Sun has come a evolutionary leap. It will be characterized by the development in the human community spirit. At the new level of evolution, people feel part of nature, and all of its levels (still, vegetative, animal) unite in a whole on the principle of universal telepathy. Perhaps the prediction is to be understood, apart from a purely materialistic assessment. The destruction of civilization is optional.

It just becomes unimportant in the eyes of the people away from the center of their concerns, the emergence of other values. Maya said the five epochs. In the development of any complex system can distinguish five stages. The first of these – the root, which carries a development program, its her laws, and also the impetus for the emergence of the whole system. Followed by gradual stages of complexity and increasing the independence of the elements. In any segment of the slightest possible to allocate the same five stages. Transition to the new stage is always forced.

Morticia Adams

Because only you will be tenderly. In the eyes of the congeners of his daughter will be an old slug and give everything to load his maiden until eternity, eternal. Less than less, choose that picture in which she posed as God brought her to the world, with Eva suit. In case of committing a similar offering, you It has two roads. Remove a passage to the foreign legion or flee to the closest lands but out of sight until you pass the time, is the most advisable.

Otherwise it will be cremated which witch of yesteryear in the bonfire of the passions of its former baby. And forget that his daughter again set foot in the House of return with their friends. And until you go the ignominy it may be that not suffice him this life but next time. Absolutely laugh of a joke made to it, and less than less if the joke in question departed from the jaws of his younger brother, or remain as the treacherous eldest who conspires with others instead of allying with who should. Keep in mind that everything that others say will be their entire approval. Any thing that EA says will be used against you.

I do not know bother issuing Word unless it was thus sued by the sinorina in question. Severe identity crisis will give you if you perceive in you Some minimum gesture, this is not my child to, against any new acquisition for the girl. A piercing, belly button, on the nose, the ear lobe. Or so the violet hair paint. Although using dental threads as a thong. Without the above in question view eternal mourning because you chose to be Dark and up to paint colored Jet Black, like Morticia Adams nails. Never ever stepped on the stick with: I at your age. Because it will be unfailingly treated old retrograde.

Blogging Software

How to learn how to use the Blogging Software? Many of the blogging software is specifically designed to be easy to use, but until the least intimidating program it can be very overwhelming for someone that has not passed much time in learning the intricacies of the different types of software in this regard. In particular for new bloggers, learn how to use the software’s interface for blogging is the hardest part of blogging. If you are someone who feels comfortable to communicate by other means, may be worth your time and effort to learn blogging software, but mind you, does not mean that the task will be easy. The main thing that will help you find success as you learn to use a new kind of software for blogging is to try to take things slowly. Many people both excited by learning to blogging that accelerate the process too and begin to explore the more complicated features of a program immediately. This can lead to feeling confused, frustrated, and many potential bloggers will burn during this stage of the process. If you take your time to learn the basics of the software program to blogging before moving on to more advanced techniques, you may retain more what they have learned, and continue to positive feeling about ability to understand the world of blogging.

Almeida Search

According to Karsaklian (2004, P. (A valuable related resource: Xcel Energy). 264), the choice of the child for a product can be related to the souvenir of the personage. The author of the o example of the Group of the Mnica7 that loans its image for diverse products and affirms that the success of the products of this mark if must to the personality attributed to the products and represent for the child, ' ' a next contact and bigger complicity with its heroes favoritos' '. This complicity can be explained with the concept of Almeida and Shigunov (2000, p.70) that it explains that ' ' playing is an inherent characteristic to the beings humanos' '. Therefore, when the child chooses a product with proper characteristics of a toy, it can be to the diversion search. Friedmann (1996) understands that the trick can be practical the spontaneous one to play when exerting the most different activities, what it can to be related to the problem of study of this research, since the infantile sponges of bath receive design next to a toy.

The trend of brinquedorizao of the product explained for Schor (2009) accurately explores this activity spontaneous of the child. The author also affirms that the children search, for example, products that are segmented for its sort (feminine or masculine), that they provide status and that they satisfy necessities basic of the human being. The author cites despite boys if interest more for ball, stands and personages of adventures (mainly the inspired ones by violent games of video-game), while the girls search for dolls, clothes and maquiagens. 7 History in quadrinhos created by Maurcio de Souza, who has as main personages the Mnica and its friends Casco, Cebolinha and Magali. Available in: . Had access in 31 of August of 2010. The brinquedorizao of the described product for Schor is a trend that can be recognized in the infantile sponges of bath, object of study of this work.


HGsystem has released a new program: QuickOrder, the first professional free software for the administration of restaurants and pizzerias. The program works through some hardware components: touch screen, printer and wireless handheld computers. The application runs on the operating system Linux (Ubuntu), Windows and Mac. Simplicity and functionality are its characteristics. The program is not only easy to use, but also has a very intuitive graphic, a module for pick up orders at the table with a portable digital assistant use is simple: for example, the waiter takes the order with the handheld, which is sent from the system, simultaneously to the printer in the kitchen and the box.

The program is based on a system of wireless communication (wireless). In addition, with this program you can store any information, from the order of cash, stocks of inventory, can know which waiter serving table. You can keep track of reservations, the status of the tables in the dining room menu. You can add new dishes and drinks. The application records the order and instantly see the management of the premises. Computerize the management of a restaurant, pizzeria and Brewery means not only expedite the work, but also to improve your business. The software was developed with C + +, to improve the efficiency of data processing.

Although almost all software for restaurants are prepared with Java language and the web-based platform. QuickOrder PostgresSQL is used in the database, so it is fast and strong. The application is developed in the same production environment used by Nokia for the award-winning mobile solution. The program is open source license that allows access to the source code.

Biometric Systems Biometric Employee

In this era of technological change, the business environments grow and grow. For this reason, emerging companies, as well as the veterans, need safety and control, that are accurate and reliable mechanisms. Biometric clocks are suitable devices, which comply with the requirements mentioned above. You may ask: what is a biometric clock? And the answer is very simple: is a device of control of employment assistance, similar to that agujeraban cards, but automatic. It is possible that at some point we saw that traditional assistance controls had some shortcomings, with biometric clocks these shortcomings are things of the past.

Well, a biometric clock is an advanced method of attendance control, but can that thing of biometric still is not very clear. Biometric refers to physical qualities or behavior that are specific to each individual. This is best understood with examples, in this way, fingerprints, iris, the retina, the voice, how to talk, how to write or type; they are biometric qualities. Biometric clocks work to receive a biometric quality, that is usually a digital fingerprint. Imagine that an employee arrives at their work site, what is the first thing that makes? Register your attendance. If you have a biometric clock employee goes to this and puts his finger on a reader. The reader sends the recorded information into a spreadsheet, where you post the employee name and your arrival time.

When an employee ends his working day, the process is similar. As you can see, an employee can only give account of its entry and exit. You can not report income or output of a partner, since one fingerprint is something personal and non-transferable. Many cards or access passes had this inscription: personal and non-transferable, but this was not the case. In contrast with biometric clocks this if applied, no matter beliefs about thefts of traces or clones of them: not possible to circumvent to the System. Thanks to biometric systems, and in particular to the biometric locks, it is possible to have better mechanisms of security in business and even in homes.

Hardware Software

This topic is of great importance too, once we know the types of computers that exist and we know in broad terms of its capabilities, role according to the needs of the company, industry or end user is necessary to play more the world of computers, were to close the two concepts that make up you ask then because I’ve placed three and they are the HardwareSoftware and Humanware as well this last concept very little headdress is of equal importance that the first two there that has included it this topic then being parts Material logic human in the world of computers. All computers are made up of 3 fundamental concepts: Hardware: according to the dictionary – a set of components that make up the material part of a computer. HardWare are components or material elements of computer, physical parts, which we can see and touch, the computer itself as such in both internal and external components. Software: According to the Dictionary – joint programs, instructions and rules computer to run certain tasks on a computer. SoftWare the software refers to the system, programs, applications, data, and information that works a computer, unlike the previous concept is the intangible part, i.e. that we can not touch, it is only possible to observe them in their role and as a result. HumanWare: The term as such is not in any dictionary expressly, there dare to put it since it is possible to find it on various computer topics and computer documentation. It could be defined as the human factor that is involved in a system. In the field of information systems, it usually refers to the people involved and they range from users, application developers, administrators, operators Etc.De General might say that it is any person who participates in a process whose outcome is a product or service related and focused towards information technology and computing. In this way then knowing the physical concepts of the computer, the logic part is the one that puts into operation and finally the part where we as users please contact taking care of managing the resources of a team of computer will be able to better understand the real purpose of the data processing by today so far left him, in the next post we will drill down to the HardwareWe will discuss the categories that compose it and the role played by each of their units; so as you can see we expected something increasingly more interesting Te hope!