A loser makes promises, does not get down to work and when it fails only knows justified. INTRODUCTION Venezuela our interest analysis requires first the characteristics of an uncertain scenario, turbulent, with much risk, uncertainty, managers able to face the big challenges, changes in order to facilitate the operation of businesses, organizations and institutions other where it needs trained managers fully identified with the scope, use of tools and management models encourage them in their performance. Management Schools national universities should ensure that graduates of the administration, are qualified, trained and new trends administrative, managerial, to collaborate with the business sector, in order to fulfill its responsibility, productivity, moreover, provide jobs, offer products and services to meet the demand of consumers.
GENERAL, SCOPE, SUGGESTIONS insist noted that the Schools Management of national universities can not ignore the problems, challenges, threats, opportunities in the scenarios are presented, plus, where Globalization is becoming more dynamic, where the large economic blocs, alliances, encourage productivity, giving way to creativity, innovation, creating new administrative paradigm, which requires management professionals, our case is identified with the current knowledge society, are prepared, be trained to interpret what should be the strategies defined, and the tactics to be used if you want to be competitive, if we are to conquer new markets or remain in the already made. You can not ignore the national situation where the current government, has led to many economic, political, which has seriously affected the conduct of business. The commercial reality of this has created new administrative paradigms, models, tools that should be considered, sane evaluated and applied to the requirements of the present.