Carlos Mora Vanegas hunger increases in many countries with limited resources, yet anchored in its development, requiring part of the Governments most dynamic programs, real that will help achieve a food policy that will guarantee supply, satisfaction of basic needs is drawn, that in some countries Governments because they are turning to rural organizations to work with them in the reformulation of its agricultural policies. Others are beginning to question the argument key of promoting greater freedom of trade. ecoportal.NET on the subject provides us with, that it is necessary to radically change the food policy and in addition, adds that for several months, a real storm by the rise in the cost of food worldwide, has fallen to families, Governments and media. The price of wheat rose 130% in the last year. The rice doubled in Asia, only in the last three months, at the time that reached record increases in the market of Chicago futures makes barely a week. The increased spiral of the cost of edible oil, fruits and vegetables, not to mention dairy products and meat, has caused a decrease in the consumption of the same during almost all the year 2007. From Haiti to Cameroon, passing through Bangladesh, people has been launched into the streets by the rage of not already buying food. There are world leaders calling for more food aid for fear of a political turmoil, as well as more funds and technology to increase agricultural production.
Meanwhile, grain-exporting countries closed their borders to protect their internal markets, while others are forced to buy the panic to the shortage. Prices rise? No. did food shortages? Neither. We find ourselves in the midst of a structural collapse, a direct result of three decades of neoliberal globalization. The agricultural sector had worldwide a production record of 2.3 billion tons of grain in 2007, one 4% increase over the previous year.