Everything is possible for him who believes. The brilliant thinker Chilean Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) understood clearly the excellent virtue serve. Day 10 January 2007, marked 50 years of the death of this remarkable woman. The magazine Boa Vontade goodwill paid him the well deserved homage. In 1945, he won the Nobel Prize for literature. He knew in his productions portray brotherly love: all nature is a yearning for service. () The serve is not of inferior beings.
God, who gives us the fruit and light, serves. It might be called: El server. Construction of a village Ernest Renan (1823-1892), author of life of Jesus (1863), on March 11, 1882, at the Sorbonne, describes the quality of serve that build up happy homelands: A nation is a soul, a spiritual principle (). The nation, as the individual, is the outcome of a long past of efforts, sacrifices, dedications (). Having common glories in the past, a common will in the present; having done great things together, still wanting to them, here is the essential conditions to be a people. Love is in proportion to the sacrifices that were endured, the ills that suffered. The political message of the soft miracle Jose Maria Eca de Queiroz (1845-1900) is applauded by many as the greatest Portuguese novelist.
The author of A illustrious House of Ramires the illustrious House of Ramires, mordant critic of the society of his time, wrote one of the most touching pages of world literature. However, few reached his political message. In a time of so much materialidad that the human being, stifled by the violence, begins to look insistently in the divine Amparo relief for their individual and collective despairs, can do only you well, to the extent that patiently awaits earthly solutions, remembrance of the appeal of a tiny served by one of the greatest symbols of solidarity that has news: At that time Jesus had not yet been of Galilee, of the banks of the Lake of Genesaret; but the news of his miracles had already come to Shechem, rich city, among vineyards, in the country of Samaria.