An alternative may be to invite the best affiliates to meet at a Convention of affiliates, where you can take them to dinner or give a cocktail party for them. Method #9: Instant Messaging Instant messaging systems may seem a little outdated and unprofessional, but it isn’t really. You can compare instant messaging with a cheaper way to call from staff. Chances are very good that each of your affiliates will have one or more Instant Messaging in their computer systems, so why not take advantage of that? While there are no costs involved with instant messaging, you can very time-consuming for what most affiliate systems marketeros not use this form of communication with its affiliates. However, it can be managed if you are only available for during certain hours in the day, even just one day a week. This will give your affiliates a real sense of being connected with you and they will be motivated to do more for the products. Method #10: Teleseminar the teleseminar have numerous uses and effective communication with your affiliates is one of them. Having a teleseminario is not difficult, is not expensive at all and your affiliates will want to obtain information from the teleseminar you offer.
To communicate with your affiliates simply use your autoresponder and communicates to your affiliates for the forthcoming Conference, ask before to register and when you arrive the date of the Conference is sent a reminder. The key to a successful teleseminario are to be interesting for persons having access to him and give them information they can use to their success. You can choose with be the only exhibitor or invite other exhibitors who share valuable information for your affiliates. As I said earlier if we do not give due attention others will do so. Communication is vital, since it keeps your members informed about new products and new updates that are being offered. They also keep them motivated to continue boosting products.