3. The so-called constant logradores are those countries who already have a national information technology strategy and that will allow interaction with citizens and do some transactions. 4 And the last level are the builders of platforms they are countries where there were political problems where there is a solid national information technologies, of telecommunications infrastructure, there is no training on the issues of use of technologies, institutions have problems because they are bureaucratic, its processes have to be reinvented but are in the process of incorporation. Countries such as Chile and Mexico lead Egoverment themes in the region boast national strategy and partnership strategy can develop unique software that will allow economies of scale, in Mexico for example is a strategy State and in Chile a strategy is partnering with private enterprise. A system of electronic Government shall have an efficient State and citizens involved and satisfied. II. quality management and management of documentation and information as a starting point to potentiate the achievement of electronic government statements, is necessary to adopt a system of quality management that allows you to identify, improve their processes of generation services, maintain adequate communication with its internal and external providers in addition to implementing continuous improvement activities.
It is necessary to remember that the institutions to comply with their objectives for which they were created must produce and manage information, which is embodied in documents here is going where finding the thread of the skein, i.e. the paradigm of e-Government is based on the need for system of information management, which is based on the file systems. To be even more accurate is necessary to reflect on the activities that will allow that a public institution insert the electronic government, which aim to describe: first: influencing regulate the documentary management in order to implement institutional file systems that have documents of archive management allowing an efficient production, handling, custody and retrieval of the documentation being punctual activities to run: identify critical business processes i.e. those far-reaching processes of the institution through which met the objectives for which they were created. Evaluate and rationalize the documentary production drafting and approving the classification table and the tables of document retention in order to identify documents of temporary and permanent value.
Determine that documentation should continue in traditional media (paper) and which will flow electronically. Implement the Microforms production lines according to the international standards (electronic documents with legal value), here is where we turn to the management of the quality for the standardization of processes. Implement the necessary microarchivos for custody and the documentation. Second: Develop the necessary technological tool that enables management of information using technology of electronic signature and the digital intermediary for the transfer of the same. Third: Include procedures systematized in the unique portals of service to the citizen. It is necessary to reflect on the current needs of informative institutions, taking into account that the decision making it develops from the analysis of information produced.